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♧︎︎︎Third person narrative♧︎︎︎

They both didn't ask eachother to date yet, they decided to just go out for some time, and then date. It'd be a good experience, or at least they thought.

Yoongi told J-hope to go home, and that he'll be there soon, he wants to stay with his mom for now.

After J-hope left, another person came in.

"Hi yoongi, missed me?", asked ??

"what are you doing here..you monster", said Yoongi.

His dad.

"oh cmon, I'm your dad, aren't you happy to see me?"

"No! Get out of here, you monster."

Yoongi was scared, he knew his dad would take him away again, and he was right.

His dad made him unconscious, and took Yoongi to his apartment.

Waking him up by throwing hot, almost boiling, water on Yoongi. He woke up, letting out a scream.

"Get up, you brat, you have to clean the whole room right now." said his dad.

"I'm not doing it! Get me out of here!", Yoongi said, struggling to get out of the chair, he was tied.

"oh, you won't?"

He took out a knife and scratched him making him bleed, Yoongi screamed loudly, "are you gonna do it now.",his dad asked.

"y y yes!", yoongi said struggling and crying.

His dad untied him, and gave him a cloth, yoongi tied the cloth on his arm, it hurt him alot, will someone save him from here?

It had been 3 hours, and Yoongi still wasn't back, J-hope was worried and went back to the hospital, he saw Yoongi wasn't there, and asked the nurse, the nurse told him that Yoongi's dad came, and took him. J-hope was scared, knowing what Yoongi's dad can do, and that Yoongi is probably being abused again.

~For Eternity~ 𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang