Trouble Brewing..

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We appeared above some trees and after series of hitting branches, we finally hit the ground and I landed on Artie. "Ow.. are you alright?" I asked him and he nodded. "Yeah.. as long as you are, too." He said, pecking my lips. I got off of him and helped him up. "Oh man, I haven't been on a trip like that since college." We heard Donkey, but when we looked at him.. it wasn't him! It was Puss! "Donkey?" Shrek asked, a little puzzled. "What? Is there something in my teeth?" He asked, then he gasped, as he realized who he was. "What the?! Oh no! I've been abracadabra'd into a fancy feasting second rate sidekick!!" Donkey panicked, as he was in Puss's body and then Donkey, who is actually Puss, fell out of the tree. "At least you don't look like some kind of bloated roadside piñata. You really should think about going on a diet!" He exclaimed and Donkey said back; "Yeah, and you should think about getting yourself a pair of pants! I feel all exposed and nasty!" Right when he covered himself with his paws and wrapped his tail around him, Shrek, Artie and I laughed like crazy. "Oh, so you three think, this is funny?!" Donkey said, with a scowl on his face and we simmered down a little bit. "I'm really sorry guys.." Artie apologized. "Don't be! You got us back kid." Shrek said and we started walking back to Far Far Away.

"So.. are you nervous?" I asked him and Artie looked at me. "Yeah.. a little bit.. do you really think I'm king material?" He asked and I nodded, with a sincere look on my face. "Yes, I really do believe you could be an amazing king." I said, hugging his arm and I kissed his cheek softly. "Thanks.. I must be really lucky to have an amazing queen with me." He said and I giggled. Once we got to the kingdom, we ran through the gate and I gasped, because I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Rodeo Drive was completely trashed and graffiti was everywhere. As if that wasn't enough, we saw a runaway carriage driven by witches and a drunk dwarf was pick pocketed by little red riding hood! "What happened??" I exclaimed, my emotions all over the place. We then spotted Pinocchio in a little theater and we dashed over to him. Shrek called out to him and then he asked; "What's happened?!" "Charming and the Villains have taken over everything! They attacked us but Fiona and the Princesses got away. And now she's-" Before Pinocchio could finish, the curtain dropped and Shrek began to panic. "She's what?! She's what?!" He then looked at how much it cost to get the theater running again. "Puss!" He said, as he looked to the mixed animals. "Loan me five bucks!" "C'mon, Puss, you heard the man! Help a brother out!" Donkey said and Puss asked. "Do you see any pockets on me??" "Hold on a second!" Donkey said, as he took off his boot and dumped out some money. "Aha!" Artie and I looked to Puss. "I had no idea! Really.. I swear.." "Yeah right.." I uttered under my breath, then Shrek began to talk to Pinocchio. He said that Charming had kept the princesses someplace else and that he was getting ready for the show. When he pointed it out, we saw the poster.

"It's A Happily Ever After, After All.." Puss said, as he read the poster. "Shrek's Final Performance?" Shrek questioned, as Donkey had an astonished look on his face. "Whoa, Shrek! You didn't tell us you were in a play!" "Well, I guess I've been so busy I forgot to mention it!" Shrek said, sarcastically. When the guards spotted us, they came forward with their weapons, Puss tried to help, but, with being in Donkey's body, it didn't help at all, whatsoever. Then, Artie decided to cut in. "Look! Don't you know who he thinks he is? How dare you?!" "Donkey, we're dealing with amateurs." Shrek said, going along with it. "He's a star, people! Hello!!" Artie said, as he shoved the poster into the guards' faces. "I'm so sorry about this, Mr. Shrek!" "I'm gonna lose it!" I rolled my eyes, shaking my head and I placed my hands on my hips. "I assume you have everything ready for tonight! You did get the list for the dressing room??" Artie asked, with a sort of gleam in his eye and then Puss walked up to the guards. "Yeah, the breakfast croissants stuffed with seared sashimi tuna. Oh, and please tell me you at least have the saffron corn with the jalapeno honey butter cause our client cannot get into his proper emotional state without his jalapeno honey butter!!!!" Donkey yelled and Shrek said; "I just lost it!" I was trying my best not to laugh through this whole charade, so I just smiled. The guards looked at each other. "Uh.. maybe they should talk to Nancy in Human Resources?" One of them asked the other and Puss added; "Oh, we'll have much to say to Nancy, I promise!" I had a smirk on my face and waved to the guards, as we walked.

We all sneaked into Prince's dressing room, hiding where he couldn't see us. When he walked in, he sat down in his throne like chair and looked at a picture of his mother. "Our happily ever after is nearly complete mommy.. and I assure you the people of this kingdom will pay dearly for every second we've had to wait." He said and when he adjusted his mirror, he saw Shrek, then us along side him. "Break a leg.. or, on second thought, let me break it for you." He said, as he walked closer to the Prince, who then said; "Thank goodness, you're here. I was beginning to think you might not make it back in...time." Shrek hoisted him up by his shirt and frowned. "Where's Fiona?" Prince replied; "Don't worry. She and the others are safe.. for now." Before we knew it, we were surrounded by guards, which made Shrek let go of Prince. He then walked over to us, looking at me and then Artie. "Let me guess.. Arthur?" He asked, with a smug look on his face. "It's Artie, actually." He said, more confident than I've ever seen him. "This boy is supposed to be the new King of Far Far Away?" Prince laughed, then he drew his sword onto Artie's neck, making my heart feel like it just dropped. "How pathetic.. now, hold still, so I don't make a mess." He told him and I yelled. "Leave him alone!" I tried to move, but I winced, when the guard kept his grip on me. "Charming, stop! I'm here now, you got what you wanted, this isn't about him." Shrek said and Artie had a confused look on his face. "Then, who's it about? I'm suppose to be King, right?" When he asked that question.. I wanted to know myself.. so I looked to Shrek. "You weren't really next in line for the throne, ok? I was." He told him and Artie said; "But you said the King asked for me personally.." "Not exactly.." Shrek said. "What's that supposed to mean?" When Artie asked that, Shrek quickly answered. "Look, I said whatever I had to say alright?! I wasn't right for the job, I just need some fool to replace me, and you fit the bill. So just go!" My eyes widen and I looked to Artie, who was obviously hurt. "You were playing me the whole time.." I could see that Shrek was trying to hold back his tears... "You catch on real fast, kid... Maybe you're not as big of a loser as I thought." I saw that Donkey was going to say something, but Puss had stopped him.

"You know.. for a minute there.. I actually thought you-" Prince then interrupted him. "What? That he cared about you? He's an ogre.. what did you expect?" The guard let Artie go and he looked at me, then looked down. "Artie.." I already had tears running down my face, because I've never seen him so broken like that. When he walked out, I called out to him again and then I sobbed, falling to my knees. "You really do have a way with children, Shrek.." Prince said, as a guard picked me up and then separated Puss, Donkey and I from Shrek. I really wanted Artie to become King.. I really thought that it would happen. Then.. all of our hopes and dreams came crashing down, in flames. Right at this very moment.. I'm just hoping for a miracle...

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