Chapter 2 - 9:56

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The warmth of the castle kissed Renjun's skin, the mixture of Jeno's body warmth reminding Renjun where he was the minute he woke. It was a feeling he could never forget. He was so, so lucky.

He took a deep breath, one and then two. A smile adored his face, his face snuggling deeper into the pillow. Jeno's hug felt like it surrounded Renjun's entire being. It could've been overwhelming, but he couldn't get enough of it. He felt so safe.

A deep rumble sounded from behind him, the chest pressed to his back vibrating to the sound. Renjun cracked his eyes open, turning his head to see Jeno.
The older demon behind him stared back at him, his perfectly rosy lips cracked into a small smile. He laughed lightly once again.

"What's so funny?" Renjun questioned, his voice quiet and laced with sleep. Jeno shook his head twice, with no response.

With a roll of his crimson colored eyes, Renjun turned back, facing away from the other sin. Jeno's warm fingers found their way around Renjun's arms, pulling him onto his back as Jeno climbed on top of him, straddling him.

"You can't be having all that attitude with me, baby." His voice filled Renjun's head, warming his whole body with the familiar feeling. Jeno's head dipped down to kiss Renjun's cheek.

"Rolling your eyes now, hm?" Jeno playfully said into Renjun's ear before pulling away. Renjun could feel his cheeks burn, his head turning away to hide. Jeno's slender fingers reached under the other boy's jaw, forcing him to look up at him.

Renjun could feel the blood rushing down to his member, his body turning on and the sinful tendencies that filled his brain lighting up like Times Square. He tried his hardest to keep his hips flat to the mattress, to not thrust up onto Jeno for the slightest bit of friction.

Jeno loved it. He loved the way his younger sin partner couldn't control his body. That the smallest hint of sexual advances would turn him into the sexual demon that he is. The person Renjun is to the rest of the world was a different one that only Jeno knew. That Jeno created.

He let his fingers run up Renjun's smooth sides, watching the goosebumps rise along his skin as a result of where he touches, like a person walking through a field of flowers that bloom from their touch. His touch brought out the dark, adulterated version of Renjun, like a dark flower.

They both heard it at the same time, the calls from back on Earth coming from none other than Jaemin. Renjun only whined, knowing the need between his legs would be going unattended.

Jeno smiled, grinding down on Renjun to tease him, "Guess we have someone to see. We'll have to save this for later." Renjun sighed, pushing the air between his lips in a way to push the hair in his eyes back. The frustration was clear.

Renjun was still fairly new at controlling his new demonic body. It had been under a year since his passing, and while he knew a lot about his new vessel, he couldn't quite manage to get his craving in order yet. Jeno thought it was funny, and even a bit cute.

Jeno planted one last quick peck on Renjun's lips before standing from the bed. Renjun massaged his thighs, watching as Jeno dressed himself. These days he has been wearing a sheer button up shirt to cover his top half, a huge change from when Renjun had first met him.

Once Renjun had gotten his body under control, he stood from the bed, quickly dressing as well before they were off to meet Jaemin's nonstop calls to the couple.

Renjun didn't mind the transfer to the living world much anymore, he'd grown used to the sensation and no longer got sick from it. He did hate the cold though. Earth was so much colder to him now since being in Hell. Every time he arrived, he'd be littered in goosebumps from the chill.

They respawned in Jaemin's bedroom, Renjun immediately spotting the annoyed expression on his face. Donghyuck leaned on the wall just inside the other's bedroom door, his face showing the exact opposite of Jaemin's.

"Hello, hello.." Jeno said, surprising Jaemin at their entrance.

Without a proper response, Jaemin started, "What the hell did you tell to Donghyuck? No offense." Donghyuck snorted from the corner of the room.

Renjun laughed, walking over to hug the stressed Jaemin, "We said it would be okay to take you guys to Hell for a few minutes to see where we stay." Renjun released the boy and looked him in the face, "It'll be quick, then straight back." Jaemin pulled himself from Renjun's grip, huffing.

"If you don't want to go, we won't force you, Jaemin." Jeno spoke, his eyes soft. He understood that Jaemin was rightfully worried about it. They couldn't force him to be comfortable with the situation. It was a miracle itself that he hadn't ratted Renjun out to his mother yet, forget being comfortable with going to Hell as well.

Donghyuck spoke up, "But, it would be great if you would come with us. Nothing will happen. Think of all the times Renjun used to go as a human and he came back just fine each time." He paused, looking down at his manicured hands, "We'll be fine."

Renjun tried his hardest to not show any emotion to Donghyuck's statement. He could feel the ignited heat within himself still there, it had only been suppressed to make this trip. And just thinking about the many adventures in Hell as a human, all the sexual things they did together, was embarrassing for his friends to open talk about, as well as remind him of just how needy he still was from their morning activity.

Jaemin looked around the room for a moment, before landing on the digital clock that flashed '9:56,' before looking back at Donghyuck, "No funny business down there."

The others in the room laughed knowing Donghyuck did need the warning, watching as Jaemin put on a black wrist watch.

"Let's get this over with." Jaemin laughed, standing next to the two demons. Donghyuck grabbed ahold of Jaemin's arm, the nerves finally setting in that they'd be on their way to the afterlife. He was adventurous and willing to do just about anything, but when it came down to it, he was just as nervous as the other mortal. Renjun rubbed his shoulder, a wide smile plastered on his face.

"It's going to feel a little intense for the first time, just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths." Jeno told the two mortals who immediately screwed their eyes shut.

Renjun couldn't help the smile as they began to respawn themselves into Hell, enjoying watching his friends experience his new life. The sight of Jaemin's minimally decorated teenage boy bedroom slowly transformed into their bedroom in the castle. The cold of Earth was left behind, greeting the two demons home comfortingly, while the two mortals immediately sounded their disapproval for the heat.

"Ohhh my fuck. Why is it so hot?" Donghyuck said, his hands this wrapped tightly to Jaemin's arm, their eyes still screwed shut. Jeno and Renjun laughed, causing the other two to crack their own smiles and ease their fright.

Once fully spawned, the crackling of the candles lit in the dark room was the only sound for a moment.

"You guys can open your eyes now, we're here." Renjun spoke, watching Donghyuck's eyes open slowly first, eyeing the room quietly. Jaemin followed suit, but his eyes checked the time on his watch first.

"Wow.. That's a big bed." Donghyuck chuckled, eyeing the bed, then the two demons. The bed was still unmade from their night's sleep, clearly making Donghyuck believe something else had recently occurred. Renjun couldn't help but to think maybe it would've if they hadn't interrupted. Shaking off those thoughts, he watched as the two strangers to the castle roamed the room, desperately hoping neither of them opened the closet door.

Once Jaemin came close to it, Jeno immediately spoke up, "How about we head into the halls?" Renjun looked over at him in confusion.

The two mortals excitedly agreed, and started talking amongst themselves, giving Renjun a moment to talk in private, "I didn't think we'd show them around around? Is it okay to do that?" He whispered to just Jeno.

Jeno shrugged, "I can't see why it would be a big deal.." He paused, fixing Renjun's hair that had fallen into his beautiful eyes, "Only one way to find out."

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now