Chapter 1 - Lost Time

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"I mean, let's be real here. You never take us to Hell, isn't that annoying always coming to us? And you always complain of it being too cold here on Earth.." Donghyuck just couldn't let it go. It always caused Renjun to chuckle, and Jeno to roll his eyes.

"You realize, there isn't much to do there, right?" Renjun laughed, his copper eyes trailing over Donghyuck, watching as the mortal flipped through pages of his maths textbook. Renjun loved spending time with his friends back on Earth, though it had become less frequent, he made sure to stop by at least once a month to check on the boys. And most importantly, check on his mother.

"It really can't be that bad.." Hyuck muttered into his palm as he looked down at the words in the book. Renjun knew he wasn't actually reading the text, no wonder he was so poor in school.

"Not to mention, dangerous." Jeno spoke up from behind Renjun, "You know what happens when we spend too long here on Earth, and what would happen to you in Hell." The words sent a shiver down Renjun's spine, it reminded him of when Jeno had nearly died multiple times from it, and the one incident. He didn't like to think of it often, it scared him to think of. Back when he was a brand new Sin, he traveled to Earth to see Donghyuck. It was Donghyuck's birthday and he just wanted to watch some movies with Renjun and eat junk food. It was when Renjun was woken by his mortal friend the next morning, his body beyond weak to even stand, he realized his mistake. Renjun made the mistake of falling asleep on Earth, and not telling Jeno where he'd be. Donghyuck had to use that same spell book Renjun had used, to summon Jeno, who was already on Earth rushing to find the new Sin. Thankfully, Jeno pulled Renjun hurriedly back to Hell, and let him build his energy back. It traumatized everyone in the situation, and neither Jeno nor Renjun would allow the other to travel between Earth and the afterlife alone. Nobody could mess up again. There was no room to mess up.

Renjun merely grinned when Donghyuck dramatically slammed his textbook closed in response to the two immortals teaming up against him, "We will be super careful! Come on, guys. You really think Jaemin will let us lose track of time when his life is on the line?!"

Donghyuck continued, "Jaemin treasures his life too much, he'll be ready to come back to Earth after like 5 minutes!" Renjun laughed, but he knew it was true. Jaemin had slowly became more comfortable with the situation, but never was the same after Renjun's passing. The thought of Renjun and Jeno having a chance of dying on Earth from visiting kept Jaemin on high guard every time the pair came. Renjun knew he was to blame, along with the death that was too sudden for the boy, how could he ever be comfortable going to Hell, of all places?

Jeno spoke up, his voice sending tingles down his partner's spine, "I think Renjun and I could make it happen for a short visit, but you'll be in charge of getting Jaemin on board."

Donghyuck screeched with excitement, as he stood from his desk chair, "Really? This is so exciting!" The smile that stretched wide on the mortal's cheeks was enough to get Renjun to smile wide as well, which caused Jeno to crack a smile.

Once Donghyuck had settled back into his seat, Renjun finally asked about the one other person in his life that had mattered, his mother.

"So, how is mom? Have you seen her recently?" Renjun whispered, excited but nervous to hear about her ever changing life. He still couldn't forgive himself for what he put her through. Donghyuck's eyes were everywhere but on the two others in the room.

"W-Well, she's fine. Last I checked she's still dating that doctor." He muttered, his maths textbook suddenly much more important than it had been. Renjun knew there had to be more to the story. His eyebrows furrowed above his colored eyes. Jeno watched as he felt Renjun's anger rise.

"And? There has to be an and in there. Has something happened to her?" Renjun's voice was uncharacteristically deeper and slower. Jeno watched with careful eyes flickering between the two lifelong friends.

Donghyuck sighed once again, the topic of the conversation unusually heavy for the two, "Well, I think she requested your case to be reopened with police. She's really struggling with your death."

The news felt like a cannonball going straight through Renjun's chest. Last he had heard, his mother had fully gone into remission and the cancer was no more. It felt like a victory, that he saved his mother and as long as she could move on from his sudden passing, it would be a complete success. Renjun hated that he even put her through this, but the news that she was still struggling made his heart clench.

Jeno could see the turmoil on his partner's pale face. His brows were furrowed in what would've been a cute way, had it not been in this situation. Jeno could feel the heartbreak. It was the worst part of tying himself to Renjun's soul, they felt each other's pain. And boy, was this bad.

"Please, don't be upset, Junnie. She has so much support. The case will reopen and hopefully she'll find peace in this, right?" Hyuck spoke softly, his thumbs twiddling. Jeno knew he was nervous to deliver the news.

Renjun stood from the bed, his head down and arms wrapped around his midsection, almost as if he was protecting himself, "Right. It still hurts, though."

And nothing else was spoken. There was nothing left to be said from the new Sin, who's heart felt like it had been ripped from his chest and shattered on the floor. Hyuck slowly opened the maths book again, eyeing the two boys for a moment. Jeno locked eyes with Renjun for just the slightest of a second. Renjun had watery eyes, and his lip quivered, but he didn't cry. He didn't reach for Jeno, or say anything.

Jeno took initiative, tired of seeing his love hold the pain in, "I think we're gonna head back now. It's a lot of news for him for the day. We'll be back tomorrow, get Jaemin in on the plan." Jeno cracked the smallest hint of a smile, along with a friendly wink at Donghyuck who smiled widely in return. He watched from his seat at his desk as the two figures slowly faded away, until he was left alone in his quiet bedroom.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now