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Next day -

Gulf woke up with a person hugging him he thought him to be mew so he smiled and kissed the person lips and hugged him more , but then the reality stuck him with the man chucking .

Petter - ohh baby good morning I didn't know you love cuddling me so much .

Gulf - I am sorry .

Petter - kissed gulf don't be sorry it's your right to kiss your husband , listen from now you will call me baby or dear or hubby anything you like baby now let's go or do you want to cuddle with your husband .

Gulf - I will prepare breakfast .

Petter took a bath till then gulf prepared breakfast for them and sat down waiting for Petter mean while he saw his and petters old pictures he smiled seeing them unknowingly Petter was watching gulf looking at there pictures and hugged him makeing gulf shocked .

Petter - I feel home again gulf , now you are my home I never had anyone who took care of me you are the first one who made food for me without any intentions .

Gulf - let's go the food is getting cold .

Petter was looking at his wife who was eating looking so beautiful after they were done Petter went to his bed room and made gulf wear his weeding ring and a pendent.

Petter - this is a device to track you wifeie don't even dare to remove it .

Gulf - Petter you can't put me in prison .

Petter - oh that i will baby and I will control you like earlier , do you remember how I use to fuck you , I fell for you the first time I saw you but later I got to know your parents are selling you to him I couldn't take it so I made the deal if he dies you will be my wife I was the one who killed my dad and I know you are the one who killed your parents I am not against that and I didn't die i was in coma because of that accident I never died I woke a year ago and took over my dad's property by killing my mother and you know everything worked then I went after you and see now you are my wife . You can't run from me baby you are my ...

Not so fast ......

Gulf - mew what are doing here .

Mew - that is Petter officer he is the one who kiddnapped us and my gulf , forced my boyfriend to marry him otherwise he would hurt me and fern and angle .

Mr petter you are under arrested for murdering your parents and kiddnapping mr suppisit and kanwat and forcing mr kanawat to marry you .

Petter - what how mew you bastard I will kill you how dare you jerk don't worry as soon as I get out I will kill you and take my gulf back and gulf when I will return you will regreat everything .

Mew - simirked officer add this too he is blackmailing us and threating us in front of the police .

Officer - don't worry Mr petter won't get out anymore he will be prisoned forever now .

After the police took Petter gulf fainted in mew arms mew lifted his wife and took him back to there home .

Mews pov -

Thank god Sams idea worked otherwise I would have lost gulf ...

Flashback -

This is mews pov -

How dare that jerk forced me to hit baby he will hate me now what to do , he got married to that jerk I know it isn't his fault he is forced to marry that jerk . Mew was lost suddenly Sam heard everything and came with an idea .

Sam- mew I know what happened and I was expecting this sooner or later I have a idea by which we can save gulf and put Petter behind the bars forever.

Mew - I will do anything tell me what I have to do .

Sam- I have proofs against him that he killed his parents we just need him to confess that he married gulf by force then he will have to divorce gulf anyways and he will be in prison forever.

And our planed worked I waited the entire night in there house secretly for him to confess and I recorded it as soon as he confessed everything the police took Petter with them I fell good but my baby fained ..

Present -

I am takeing baby to hospital he is sleeping or I should say fainted in my arms I took him inside the doctor checked him properly , I was waiting for him mean while the doctors told me not to stress him it's bad for his health , Sam also camed to check on gulf to be honest he too loves gulf why did he help me I decided to ask him anyways.

Sam- ofcourse I love gulf but he will be happy with you he loves you not me , ofcourse I can marry him and he won't say no but he won't love me and I want someone who can love me .

I understand his feelings very well I know what he feels so gave me food and left he need to take care of fern and angle too , I have decided I can't live without him he is my life as soon as he wake up I will propose him I don't care about the world he is my life now I didn't release it earlier how much I love untill I saw him marrying  to someone else .

No one's pov-

Gulf woke up with tears in his eyes he started shouting for help the nurse and doctors came as soon as they heard the patient shouting , he hugged the first person he saw because he was scared the person called mew and mew Hugged gulf tightly to concule him gulf kept crying till he was exausted .

But he got fine after crying he was okk ...

Next day -

Gulf woke up tired and exausted as soon as he woke up he realised he was at his home he ran downstairs everything was beautifully decorated he saw fern , angle tar thorn mews parents standing there he turned and saw mew kneeling in front of him ...

Mew - my love will you marry me dear and make me the happiness man ....

Gulf - yessss!!!!

I wanted a simple beautiful open ending please share your thoughts ......

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