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Mews pov -

I am tied to a chair waiting for the person who kiddnapped me , why am I here I don't know anyone and why are fern and angle to here what is happening I looked around its a wedding hall it's beautiful I saw someone carrying someone taking him inside who are they I couldn't see there faces we waited and waited it's been an hour i noticed fern and angle woke up ofcourse they look scared they looked at me and I looked at them in confusing I noticed people were coming and sitting seriously someone kiddnapped us to watch a fucking weeding who is this person then I noticed a guy stood at the stage waiting for his bride he was in a black suit all handsome waiting for his bride then the door opened and two guys dragging the uncounsious gulf what the fuck gulf what is doing here ,  his hands were tied he was uncounsious being dragged the two guys made him stand near the stage he opened his eyes with a shock

No one's pov -

Gulf woke you and saw he was in a weeding suit he had a wail on his head he was confused the same guy came near him and asked for his hand .

Hello love hold my hand we are getting married .

Gulf - what . Petter . How . Why .

Petter - yes baby I am not dead we can talk about all that later for now come on we need to get married .

Gulf - sluttred no I won't .. marry ...you please leave me .

Petter - smiked sure I will give you two options guard , the guards came and points there guns on angle fern and mews heads , marry me baby and they will stay alive reject me and they will be dead you have two minutes .

Gulf - please Petter leave me let me go I never did anything to you leave them.

Petter - came near gulf one minute left marry me and they will be alive or you will marry me either way I will force you after they die .

Gulf - okk  I will marry you please leave them .

Petter  held gulfs arms and dragged him to the stage , they said there vows and got married when there were suppose to kiss Petter came near gulf held his waist and kissed him deeply with force gulf was not opening his mouth to which Petter pinched him which made gulf open his mouth .

You are officially husband and wife pick the bride .

Petter - he picked the struggling gulf and existed from the hall everyone started leaveing , which left crying fern and angle and angry mew in the hall the guards came again and opened them and told  them to change .

After mew , fern and angle changed there were again tied to chairs in another hall it was big and beautiful as tye earlier one the guards told them not to make noise or disturb anyone or they would kill them .

Petter  - guard open them but keep an eye of them .

The guards again went to mew fern and angle and opened there ropes with a warning , fern was crying seeing his brother and angle was hugging her and mew was trying to find gulf after a while the same guy who gulf married came down with gulf there hands were together the other guy was hugging gulf and holding his waist , gulf looked tired and exausted they gave there speachs mainly Petter talked gulf just nooded after they were done they started dancing everyone was chearing for the new couple ...

Petter - thank you all for joining us on our wedding my love and I really appreciate your presence .

After the party was over Petter called mew fern and angle to his office where he was sitting with gulf ....

Mew - are you sick you kidnapped us and married him by force .

Petter- calm down mew he is my wife now I called you all here to discuss something , fern and angle are gulfs family it means my family welcome to my family kids .

Fern - we are not your family do you understand us , jerk bastard we hate you leave us and phi alone .

Petter - attitude gulf baby you know I don't like her attitude tell her to behave or you know what I can do .

Gulf was already scared - fern behave don't disrespect him , he is my husband now your brother in law behave .

Mew was shocked seeing gulf shouting on fern and fern started crying .

Petter - good wifeie now listen we are sending you too in a hotel tommorow because me and my wife are going to our home . And mr mew he is my wife now please don't make it difficult for yourself he is married now so please move in it will be better for you now I think I am clear let's go baby .

Gulf - Petter can I  please talk to fern angle and mew alone .

Petter - okkk wifeie I will give you some time alone after you are done come to our bedroom don't make me wait for too long .

Once Petter left mew went to gulf and slapped him , how dare you marry him bastard do you remember you are my wife how dare you cheat on me gulf you should have let us die .

Gulf - are you listening to yourself mew if I wouldn't have married him he would kill you fern angle everyone .

Mew - so what it is better to die rather than seeing you with someone else.

Gulf - mew is the king of underworld he can destroy you me in a snap of his finger.

Mew - so what am I suppose to do leave you with that guy .

Gulf - please give me some time to figure something out please now he is so powerful you can't even imagine we can't do anything to him give me some time I will figure something please till then be safe .

Mew - I am sorry gulf I don't want you anymore , you are a dirty slut are you serious you are married for god's sake now please stay with your husband and forget about me now.

Gulf - what have I done sorry mew I can't be with you he will kill you and your entire family if I dare to do anything against him I can't loose you please mew you have to move on .

Flashback -

After gulf got unconscious ( will continue from next chapter)

Sorry people to break your heart .....

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