I wish I had already found my mate, then none of this would have happened. My shorts start buzzing, I take out my phone from pocket.
Two message from mom read,

[Honey I won't be home till evening, make sure to cook yourself something good for lunch.]

[Don't skip meals, I'll know.]

How would she know? I'm grinning at her texts.

There is no message from Issac. We were supposed to meet. Has he forgotten?

[Where you at?] I text him.

[Caught up with some work.] *ping*
Was he waiting for my text, I'm grinning.

[Meet you in the parking lot around 3:30.] *another ping*

[I'll text you.] *ping*

[<3  ;*]

[Kay I'm waiting.]
[Try make it quick, find me around arena!]

Poor puppy. All these sudden responsibilities must be too much for him, he still manages to make time for us. There is still 20 minutes to 3:30 and I don't know how much more time it will take him so I decide to go join Daniel.

[Hey dan! Are you around open court?] I text him. He practice till late every day. He told me he is planning a career in sports. His father is the chief academic head here, he chose sports against his dad's will.

On the other hand we can never cross rank holders, it is considered disrespectful and if challenged by them we are supposed to fight till death, no matter pup or adult. *The fight of honour* they call it. Ask me? Absurd!

"Hey!" I yell waving my hand over. He is with Mike standing under basketball hoop.

"Watch this." He shouts from other side of the court before jumping and making a basket.

"Yes. You are a hero!" I chuckle and make my way to the bleachers.

Watching him play got me thinking how carefree human life is. They can change as many mates as they like with whomever they want. On the other hand we are supposed to be with the chosen only, that is if we are lucky to find one. Why don't we get second chances at mates. I almost got my heart broken this afternoon.

Speak of the devil and they arrive.

Both the new guy from first class today and the tattooed guy and their sly grin, jogging towards the court. The guy with tattoos have sleek black hair he is wearing a white V-neck . His tattoos are visible underneath and I think that is a cracked skull inked right there on his left chest. His friend has messy blonde hair, rather dirty dark, his right eyebrow is pierced but cracked skull is taller.

What are they here for, to pick a fight?

"Hey kid!"

Yes they are. His tone makes that much clear. This is no match for Dan and Mike. I need to butt in moreover they happen to have debts to pay for toying with me today. I sprint to join Dan, they are confused by the way he addressed them.

"What's this gloomy face? You were really fired up this morning, what, no fuel left in you." He snatch the ball from Mike and toss it over to his friend, holding his intent stare, not loosing the sight of his prey.

"What the hell man!"
"Really dude, what is your problem?"
Dan and Mike steps in front of each other to lay the first punch and trust me they do not want to try their luck with this.

"Why don't you try find out?" His friend throws back the ball hard, it hits Dan on face.

"Dan stop!" I catch his arm before he starts a fight he can't possibly win. He jerks his shoulder to lose my grip of him but I'm not going to budge. "Daniel, you just got selected into your dream team, you do not want to get into fights pronto for someone this lame." I turn him around with force.

Unsure |18+|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora