(Oh no...)

The door to his room wasn't fully closed, you opened the door with so much hesitation. Not daring to open the door fully, you peep thru the small opening. You can't believe what your eyes seeing right now, your mouth went dry and your lips trembling. Diavolo towering over a woman while thrusting his hips front and back, the woman moans out his name in pleasure. Unintentionally you fell and let out a loud thud.

They heard it and turn their head to the door. Guess what Diavolo said.

"If you're just gonna stay there doing nothing I suggest you leave"

Then he walks toward the door and locks it, you could hear them talking inside.

"Who's that?"

"..My servant"

You could feel your heart break, even more, when he said that you're just a servant to him. Then they continued their doing, while you just listened and eventually getting sick of it. You storm out of the castle, the rain is pouring in the devildom. You're out there crying your eyes out, letting out your painful cry while you crouched to the ground.


You didn't know what to do, you just walked in every direction without knowing where you were going. The rain eventually stops but you keep crying, not caring who's watching or how you look right now. When suddenly somebody pulled you into an alleyway, and you fainted from the sharp smell of alcohol. Before you know it, you were drugged up.

You woke up in a dark room, you feel dizzy. Came to the realization that someone- no, bunch of people are having sex despite your eyes covered with a blindfold. You groaned feeling your headache grew even stronger until a man hovers on top of you but you were too weak to fight back. He slides your pants off you and starts thrusting in n out of you.

You were tired, you wanted to just fall asleep but each time there'd always a man who came in to assault you. There are either 5 or 6 men who came up and did this to you.

"S-Stop, I don't want this! P-please!"

"Oh? You finally woke up huh?"

"p-Please!" You cried out

Your feet slammed against the ground desperately trying to get away from that person as you keep whimpering words and eventually that guy was running out of his nerve. You tried calling Diavolo thru pact, it didn't seem to work. "So-someone please! I- I'M S-sorry. Any--" You didn't care whether you were calling Mammon, Asmo, or anyone thru pacts. All you can think about is as long as that someone could help you.


The mark on Dia's chest glows, seeing that it's Y/N's mark. He completely ignored it, just continuing his sex with the woman he had brought home, "Someone summoned you or what?" She stops for a second, "No, just ignore it" He's getting rough with the woman, cursing Y/N on his mind for trying to summon him.

Neither of the brothers can answer too, continue whimpering. Curling up to a ball and crying as the man hits your leg with a bat and the other hitting you with the belt, they did unimaginable things to you. Dragging you by the hair and slamming your head on the wooden table and knocking you out

"CHENG GIVE THIS SLUT THE DAMN HEROIN" You heard the man before you went asleep, then something sharp pierced into your skin. The man laughed as they beat you up even more, staring at your beaten-up face and limp body until they realized. You didn't move even an inch, they quickly panicked thinking they had killed you and alas, they throw you away in the alleyway, naked, cold, and alone.

Obey me! Oneshots and imagine.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें