chapter 5

138 11 0

Tw: none. Apologizing and going over mistakes I guess

This isn't really Janus centered and I may combine it with chapter 4 later.

Word goal: 500

Word count: 623


Remus, Remy, and Janus all sat down for a dinner that Janus made.

Remus grabbed his straw and slurped up the spaghetti being reminded of the night before and cringing at himself. He was still mad at himself over that. To be honest...he just wanted to apologize. He wanted Remy to apologize. All of them had brutally messed up and he just wanted to fix it.

The dirty side sat back in his chair and sighed "I'm still sorry about what happened guys..."

Remy smiles softly. He felt bad for everything that happened and everything he said. "It's good baby. I'm sorry for yelling. We're all good."

Janus nods as well. He was feeling himself slip already. He honestly wanted the two to care for him and for everything to be okay again..that thought made him want to e little so bad. Before he knew it he had his arms crossed and his head laid in Remus's lap "Emus"

Remus looked down from his seat and smiled "hey Janny" Remus picked up Janus setting him so he was sitting on his lap.

Remy smiled as well "do you wanna watch a movie hun?"

"Eah! I spoiwed. Gettin movie!"

Remus booped the littles nose "yes you are! Go and sit on the couch and find some nice blankets and stuffies okay? Remys gonna make popcorn and imma find a nice snek in the imagination you can cuddle with while it's playing." Why was Remus better at parenting now you may ask? Well

1. He searched up "how the fuck does this gremlin eat shit drink and sleep". Research bros.

2. He got some clones made in the imagination.

3. He wanted Janus to be more comfortable with him and Remus would do anything. ANYTHING. To make sure Janus is happy"

Anyways, Remus conjured up a nice adorable cobra in the imagination giving little Janus it and smiling at the baby's reaction.

"Fank ou Emus!!! Fank ou fank ou fank ou!" Janus hugged his arms around Remus's waist latching onto him "you da bestest evew Emus"

Remus lightly teared up at the words running his fingers through his snake's hair "thank you, sweety. That means a lot to me."


Remus set Janus on the couch "yo Remy is busy so you can jump." He smirked softly grabbing the DVD bin.

Janus giggled excitedly standing up and jumping on the couch. Remus had enchanted the couch so it was like a trampoline. The trash rat could get rather childish when no one was watching.

Soon Remy came back and Janus sat down quicker than the speed of light. He made grabby hands towards the popcorn and giggled "op porn!"

Remus let out a snort at the toddlers language grabbing the movie Penguin in Madagascar and sliding it in.

Remy scowled at Remus and disciplined him through his chocolate brown eyes.

Remus rolled his eyes at the coffee addicts dramatic behavior sitting beside Janus and letting both Janus and the cobra snuggle up in his lap. He tried his best to keep his pet rat Arson shoved in his puffy sleeves as much as possible.

His efforts failed and the rat and snake surprisingly started to cuddle.

Remus ran his dirty fingers through the snake sides hair gently. He loved this so much. Janus just curled up in his lap those beautiful multi colored eyes amazed by the movie ahead of him.

God Remus had fallen hard...


Thank you all so much for reading!! I'm sorry for keeping y'all waiting. I'm working on an ishimondo fan fiction though so lovers of that thatll be out soon! As well as Yandere Oneshots hope y'all enjoyed. Luv u <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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