chapter 2

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Janus's bottom lip quivered as he hid further in the blankets "mmm...fight"

"What bud?- oh. I'm so sorry hun. We didn't mean to make you upset peanut" Remus smiled setting  his hand on Janus's knee.

"No fight. No' ovew me. Emy mad?" Janus hid further into his snake plushie. While him and Remy quarrel sometimes he really did care for Remy. Like a lot. He worried about Remy when he was out...and he worried about him when his anger issues started up.

"No not at all! Remys perfectly good kid. He's also worried though...and I think you should go back home and tell him why you left. Okay?"

"Mmmhm.." Janus lunged himself into Remus's arms "no angy emus?"

"No not at all! I'm perfectly okay Janny. Let's get you home. Thanks Pat. Peace"

"Bye Rem" Patton waved goodbye throwing Remus a bottle of strawberry milk and going back to his boyfriend.

Remus sunk into the dark realm holding Janus closely and letting a couple tears fall "you scared me so much peanut"

"Sowwy mean o"

"I-I know Jan. REMY" Remus yelled

"DID YOU FIND HIM- Janus!!!" Remy gasped taking the snake side in his arms and lightly cradling him.

Remus felt a twinge of murderous run through his veins. He squeezed his fists together his face boiling with jealousy. Why was Remy holding HIS Janus. He needed to chill...Remy was worried and he needed to let that just work away. Kinda.

After that Remy brought Janus to bed to the poor boy could sleep. They'd talk about it later.

"Thank you for finding him but seriously Remus??!! really disappointed in you. You started this and you know it. I'll just chalk it up on the board of shit you fucked up. Now I've got to meet with Wrath I'll be back at like 3am. Bye bitch."

Remus wanted to kill Remy for saying that but he reminded himself that Janus just needed a breather from fighting. He took a deep breath and went out to the imagination to make a clone of Remy to kill.

At 3am Remy returned and got in his bed. He felt bad about what he said but at the same time....he really didn't. Remus needed to learn from his mistakes and that's just how it needed to be.

Morning time

Janus awoke at around 5am. His usual time. He started looking around and trying to remember what happened last night, when he did he ran downstairs after quickly getting dressed to talk about why that happened.

Remus woke up around 6:30 am getting on a hoodie and sweatpants running down stairs and waving to Janus "hey" his usual extravagant outfit wasn't on...becausr quite honestly he didn't feel like his energy would match the outfit today

"Uhm...hello Remus" Janus smiled softly finishing the food he was making and setting it out "are you alright?"

"Mhm" the Duke just slowly ate his eggs running a hand through his bed head that Janus found absolutely adorable.

"Alright then. I heard you and Remy got in a quarrel last night...are you two okay from that?"

Remus froze up. Wasn't Janus sleeping then??? "Yeah I'm okay from it. Hit a little hard but so did your mom last night"

"Remus we don't have mothers. Also don't try to cover up your insecurities with humor you really suck at it"

"Honestly Jan it sucked but I just want to talk to Remys fucking boyfriend about it. Oh but can we talk about the fact that you scared the shit out of us last night?"  Remus wiped a tear from his face

"When Remy shows up yes we can. But please, stop being so defensive"

Remys got up and threw his plate at the sink picking up his chair and throwing it too. But as soon as it was about to hit the ground Janus summoned it back to its original spot.

"Stop me hot stuff"

Janus took his hands away from his face and looked at Remus with the most confused face "ARE YOU BIPOLAR OR SOMETHING???" (Don't take that seriously)

"No I'm just too fucked up to care about what I say any more" Remus chuckled softly. He seriously was too fucked up to care. And he's excepted that.

Janus blushed lightly. Yeah he had a thing for the Duke..would he ever tell him? Probably not...but Remus probably would.


Little Did you Know pt. 2 Where stories live. Discover now