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Frank laid his head on my lap, he wasn't doing anything. Just staring up at the ceiling.

"Do you still have that book?" Frank vaguely asks.

"What book?" I question my boyfriend.

"That Stephen King book I took from you." Frank explains.

"Oh! Carrie by Stephen King. Yeah, yeah I still have it. Why?" I ask.

"Can you read some of it to me?" Frank innocently asks.

"Of course my little honey bunny cutie pie." I tease.

"Honey bunny cutie pie? That's a new one." Frank chuckles as he sits up.

I search through our bookshelves. Most of the shelf space was taken up by pictures of Frank and I through the years.

Pictures of Frank playing guitar for me when we first started dating. Pictures of us on our three year anniversary. Pictures of Ray and Frank teasing each other. All the memories make me feel giddy inside.

I found the book. It was slightly dusty from being untouched for years.

I sit down on the couch next to Frank. I open the first page when a small piece of paper falls onto the floor. I don't remember that being there.

I have a question.
Don't feel like you have to say yes.

Frank obvioulsy wrote the note, I could practically write in Frank's handwriting if I had to. I guess that's a perk of living with someone for so long.

I turn to look at Frank, just to ask him what the note meant.

But, Frank wasn't on the couch.

He was down on one knee.

"What do you say?" Frank says with a smile.

A thin silver ring sat on his hand, "Want to make it official?" Frank winks.

"Gladly." My voice slightly breaks.

Frank drops the ring on the floor by accident, he attempts to pick up the ring, but his hands were so sweaty it took him a second.

"You're really bad at this." I say with a watery laugh.

"It's not the only thing I'm bad at." Frank says with a bright smile.



It's a wrap! I had so much fun writing this book and I hope you had just as much fun reading it!

Thank you!


You're Really Bad At This- FerardDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora