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Ray hums a random song as I restock comics. It's my dream job, and I get to work with my best friend. It's a dream come true.

"Why don't all superheros wear black? If they want to not be noticed by the whole world, they shouldn't wear bright colors." Ray says as he sips his lukewarm coffee.

"Because wearing a bright red leotard and blue Speedos is cooler than wearing black on black." I point out.

"But, Batman wears all black." Ray says.

"It wouldn't make sense if a superhero named Batman didn't wear all black. His name literally has the word bat in it! But, for someone like Green Lantern, he obviously isn't going to wear black. He's Green fucking Lantern." I argue.

"I guess you're right." Ray sighs.

"I'm always right." I say as I walk behind the counter.

Ray walks into the back, probably to look at the new comics they got in.

The bell above the door dings, it's been a slow day. I'm assuming it's going to be someone who wonders in and leaves without buying anything or saying anything.

"Hey hot stuff." My head shoots up to see a smirking Frank in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I quickly walks from behind the counter.

"Got bored, wanted to visit you." Frank says with a smile.

One second I feel Frank's lips on mine, the next second I hear a horrified gasp behind me.

Our heads whip around to see a confused Ray.

"Uhm... Did-... Did I just, oh God, Did you guys just..." Ray covers his mouth and paced back and forth.

"Ray?" Frank questions, "Are you alright?"

"I dont know. I just watched my closest friends lock lips, so... I don't know." Ray sighs.

"It's not that big of a deal Ray." I try to reassure the panicked boy.

"Yeah... You're right." Ray runs and hand through his hair and sits behind the counter. "It's no biggie." Ray tries to calm himself down.

"I guess I'll leave... See you later." Frank quickly kisses my cheek and he's out the door.



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