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I pull my head back. I thought it was a good idea to kiss him, but when I see his expression... I think otherwise.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have- fuck. You're probably not even into me. Shit, I didn't even ask if that was okay. I'm so fucking sorry, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I rub my temple.

My heart sunk when I didn't hear Frank respond. When I looked back up at him, he was smiling. God, he was probably going to start laughing in my face.

I yelped when Frank jumped through my window.

"Okay, are you actually going to kill me this time. Cause, I'd be fine with that." This is so embarrassing I wish I could just drop dead and not have to experience what is gonna happen.

Frank slowly walked towards me, the tension grows thicker with each step.

"W-What are you doing?" I question Frank.

My back hits the wall, I can't escape.

Frank's hands land firmly on my hips.

"Did you actually want to kiss me?" Frank's voice is quiet, I could barely hear it.

"I-I-" I stuttered.

"Just answer the damn question." Frank demands in a soft voice.

"Yes." I squeak.

Frank smiles, his eyes finally meet mine.

"Do it again." Frank says.

"What?-" I ask.

"Kiss me again. Simple as that." Frank repeats himself.

Well shit, if he wants it... I'll give it to him.



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