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Chapter 3: Vacation

Neema smiled as her brown orbs focused on the clouds outside her window. The clouds moved magically as they covered the vast landscapes that looked like green squares from her view above. She imagined reaching for the clouds to feel how fluffy they really were. This was one of the few times where her body wasn't tense or stressed. Instead, she was mesmerized by the view; she absorbed every moment of it. Neema and Victor took an early flight to Madrid, Spain, for their first big vacation together this summer. Her body itched as she couldn't wait to set her sights on new; land, foods, and people. It was another surprise that Victor had in mind. He promised a wonderful summer for her birthday, and he delivered. Even though it will be about 6 days, they will be gone; this will feel like a lifetime for them. This trip will be well deserved for the couple.

Victor fiddled with her knuckles as the couple held hands. He studied her a bit as her attention was out the window. Victor almost forgot what she looked liked outside of her STF police uniform. Neema had her long red dread locs hung to the side that complimented her body-hugging grey dress. The dress showed off her energy symbol tattoo on her left shoulder. She accessorized herself with gold jewelry, a gold pendant, and gold hoop earrings this time. She dressed like the African sorceress that she was.

Victor lightly kissed her knuckles to get her attention "Are you excited, baby love?"

Her gleaming eyes met his icy blues, and "Yes, I can't wait. I've always wanted to touch Europe. I just never had the chance to."

"There is so much about Spain I want to show you; six days certainly won't be enough to explore it all. We will have to come back a few times. It's a beautiful country. I used to live there for a good portion of my life after I lived in Italy. The food is very different from American food; it's made fresh. Your taste buds haven't tasted anything like it before. Imagine smelling fresh bread every morning from the bakeries as you walk past them. Even the wine in Spain is rich. The Cava here is not like the red wine you tasted before. One thing about my mother, she loved her Cava. She had it with every dinner she made." He told her.

"Oh, that's right. I remember. Your mom was from Spain." She added.

Victor nodded "Yes. She would tell me lots of stories of her living there before she met my father a long time ago."

"What was she like?" Neema asked. Victor didn't talk about his parents often. Neema only vaguely remembered their faces from the pictures he would show her.

"My mother was always smiling. I can't remember a time when she wasn't, despite living in the early 1920s. She loved to dance, and she loved to paint. She's the reason why I love art. My mother was a very loving woman. She taught me how to be human, despite my upbringing." Victor always had fond memories of his mother. There wasn't a day that went by when he didn't think about her.

"I can only imagine how your childhood must've been like with your parents being so different." She commented. It made sense to Neema that Victor, an aged dhampire, would even consider dating a woman outside of his race or nature. Instead, he grew up learning that it was okay to date whomever he pleases.

"It was very frowned upon for a vampire to even consider laying with anyone that is not another vampire. They definitely got some hell for it, but my father was a fierce vampire and didn't allow any of it, although people wanted nothing to do with them. As a result, we have been burned out of our homes a couple of times." He informed.

"It's interesting how so much has changed over the decades, and some of it stayed the same." She added. "You lived through so much; I can only imagine what you have seen."

"It's for the best that we've met this period; everyone is more tolerable with each other. Humans may not enjoy everyone's company, but at least we don't have to worry about villagers burning our homes down or out to kill us both. Racism won't go away unless hate goes away completely, but it's a lot easier to be seen with each other. Trust me, you really don't want to meet me over 50 years ago. I've seen a great deal, be grateful you didn't have to." He whispered. "The world is cruel but was even crueler back then. I'll be damned if the world is cruel to you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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