Chapter 7

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"Harper!" Clara shrieked as she raced across the dorm parking lot to greet her sister.


They both bounced with excitement as they embraced each other in a warm hug. It was just over a month ago that Clara left for Beaumont, but it seemed like ages. It was the longest amount of time the two ever spent apart.

"I'm so excited Dad actually let you come up," Clara said.

"I know!" Harper's blue eyes sparkled with excitement. "Although if he knew you were out partying every weekend ... I don't know if he would've let me."

Harper meant it as a tease, but it sent Clara into major defense mode. "I don't party every weekend! Just once in a while. And it's not really a party. It's more like hanging out with new friends." Clara's brown gazed narrowed on her sister. "I thought you wanted me to go out and live it up."

"I did," Harper replied with her own firm stare as they made their way through the parking lot and into the dorms. "And I must say I'm impressed you took my advice."

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but Rose had a lot more to do with it than your advice."

"That hurts." Harper held her hand over her chest in mock pain. Her false grief was replaced with excitement over the upcoming weekend. "But I can't wait to meet her. And Luke and Deacon."

"I think you'll love them."

"If you do, I'm sure I will." Harper's warm smile twisted until her lips pinched together and her nose scrunched up like she caught a whiff of something awful. "But I can't believe Corin Sander goes here. He was such a tool in high school."

Clara nodded, her face reflecting the same distaste for the guy. Harper may have been a freshman when the three of them attended the same school, but Corin was the type who made himself known to everyone whether they wanted to know him or not.

"I don't think he's changed," Clara said with a snicker.

In the weeks apart, Clara spent hours on the phone with her younger sister, sharing everything from her new friends, what classes were like, and even her side job as a tutor. Well, almost everything. Clara artfully avoided talking about Adam, but she was not sure why. They were just friends, despite Adam's flirtatious efforts. With him, no topic was safe. Even Clara's attempt to discuss their next creative writing assignment turned into a big joke when Adam charmingly suggested Clara write erotica. He was even generous enough to offer to be her inspiration.

Harper was deep in conversation about her own boy troubles when they entered Clara's room. At the sound of the door shutting behind them, Rose hopped off her bed and welcomed Harper with open arms.

"You must be Harper," Rose said with a huge grin. "I'm excited to finally meet you."

"You too! I've heard so much about you, I feel like I already know you. And thank you for making my sister get out once in awhile."

"Hey!" Clara snapped. "You make me sound like a shut-in."

"Well? How many times did you go out during high school?"

"Just because I chose to study instead of going to the movies or mall or wherever ... doesn't mean I didn't have a social life. I had plenty of friends."

"Uh-huh." Harper's perfectly plucked eyebrows met her hairline as she stared back at Clara. "And how many do you still talk to?"

Clara replied with a glare. They both knew Clara left the majority of her friends back in Trousdale. When they moved halfway through Clara's high school years, she lost contact with most of them, and since their new school was plagued with more cliques than the latest Hollywood melodrama, Clara chose to spend her time reading and studying. It was the only way to ensure a future outside of the dull, little town of Kleinbrook.

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