He's Got Issues Part 1

Start from the beginning

A dark chuckle swept through the air, and I instantly tensed up. My grip on the body that I was laying on went lax, as though I didn't want to keep holding onto it.

That...wasn't Jack's laugh – that wasn't even similar to his morning voice.

That didn't sound like Jack's laugh at all.

"You know my name, beautiful," he pulled me in closer to him, his arms wrapping around my upper body to keep me secure. I felt like a petrified statue that couldn't move their arms, I forgot that I had any limbs at that moment and was only focusing on the sudden panic.

"Why don't you say it?" He taunted, my eyes were wide with fear as I stared into the darkness. "I love the way it sounds coming from your lips." My blood ran cold at that fact that everything that happened in my dream was real.

Jack and Chris were....

They were....!

Almost everyone from my school was...

He took me...Why did he take me?

Was he going to kill me, too?

After coming to my senses, I instantly began to push away from him. His grip on me didn't loosen, and it made struggling against him that much harder. It seemed like my strength was at half its regular power – it must have been from the drug that he injected me with...

It must have been the sedative.

My arms started to shake and tremble from the strain I was putting on my muscles. "N-No!" I yelled, but putting all my weight behind my efforts wasn't amounting to much progress. "Please, let me go!" I kicked out at him at seeing that my arms weren't pushing him, but at seeing what I was doing, he trapped my legs underneath his, effectively trapping me against him once more.

He breathed into my hair deeply. I strained my neck away to not feel his vile breath on my body. "Shh, it's not time to get up yet." Cold panic swept over me the longer that I was next to him.

This was the same man that had helped in killing...he had killed...!

"Let's enjoy each other's company."

His relaxed words sent shivers down my spine. He was acting as though he didn't kill people from my school – along with Jack and Chris...!

"No!" I yelled, doing my best to try and squeeze under his muscular arms. I managed to succeed only because he reached out to grab me to place me in a more secure position against him. Once I had been freed, I stared at his body as he sat up on the bed. I backpedaled, not keeping track of where the bed ended or even began.

I let out a few rushed breaths and kicked myself directly off the large bed. My back hit the ground before my butt did, and I let out a pained groan and turned on my side. My hands quickly going to rub the spot that I had hit against the floor.

It would definitely cause some bruising for sure.

I didn't know where I was.

I didn't know how I would escape.

My heart was thumping wildly in my chest – I was in a room with a murderer.

"Vienna, you're so energetic this morning," I looked up to see his head peering over the bed down at me. His hands were propping him up as he leaned over the edge to stare at me. I blinked my eyes, not even registering what he had just said – he said a different name.

That wasn't my name that he had spoken, but he was looking at me as though he were talking to me.

He smirked and my blatant confusion that was spreading across my face.

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