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well well...

"God, I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you!" Karl spits, his eye narrowed at Sapnap. Sapnap's face falls. Karl let his words slip, he's realizes, his face falls to match Sapnap's.
"What did you say?" Sapnap questions, searching Karl's features for an answer. Karl blinks, trying to come up with a lie on the spot.
"Uh, Olivia Rodrigo's new album- it's a line from the song and we were fighting, it just felt like the perfect drama moment" Karl rambles, tucking his arms into himself. Sapnap tilts his head in confusion, "Karl-" Karl interrupts him, "I'm going to my room now, sorry, Nick."

Sapnap furrows his eyebrows, turning to watch Karl walk away.
"There's no way that was for a drama moment" Sapnap notes, but Karl's already halfway to his room. Karl steps through his bedroom door and twists the lock. He places his back against the door and drops his head so it hits it, then he lets the tears pour. Sapnap quietly walks down the hall and stands at Karl's door. He knocks gently and hears a sharp intake of breath through the cracks of the door.

"Karl, can we talk?" Sapnap questions, shoring his weight from foot to foot. Karl doesn't answer, instead he just sniffles and wipes his nose with his sleeve. Sapnap sighs and steps away, then looks down at the bottom of the door where light peeks through. He can see Karl's shadow and realizes he's standing at the door. Sapnap takes a deep breath and moves closer to the door again. He whispers this time.
"Karl, please" he places his forehead against the door and rests his palm on the hardwood door.

Karl squeezes his eyes shut at the soft words, the soft plead. He turns around slowly and glances at the doorknob, but he moves to rest his plan flat against the door like Sapnap. He drops his head against the door again and sighs.
"Nick, go to bed, okay? We can talk tomorrow, I promise" Karl suggests, hiccuping. Sapnap finally let's his tears fall, "K-Karl, please. I don't want to lose you." Karl winces, "You won't, Nick. As long as you want me, I'm here."
"Forever," Sapnap reassures, "I want you here forever."

Karl steps away from the door and moves to get his pajamas. He hears Sapnap let out a sob and drop to the floor. He squeezes his eyes shut and changes, trying to shut out Sapnap's cries. Then, he climbs into bed and listens as Sapnap finally gives up and goes to his guest room.

Sapnap cannot sleep. His head hurts from crying and he feels dizzy. All he needs right now is water, but he's scared to run into Karl. He wants to talk to him, but he's scared he'll just brush him off again. He winces at a random sharp pain in his head, then finally gets up. He presses his ear to the door and listens for any indication that Karl is around. He then takes a deep breath and quietly rushes to the kitchen.

He prefers bottled water, so he opens the fridge and pulls one out since Karl bought bottled water just for him. He unscrews the lid and begins to chug it due to feeling dehydrated. He props his elbow on the counter and uses his hand as a rest for his head. He groans from the pain and keeps his eyes closed. Due to his back facing the entrance to the kitchen, he doesn't even see the taller figure approach.

"Couldn't sleep?" Karl questions, standing at the archway. Sapnap whips around in shock, "You scared me, but yeah." Karl nods, a soft smile on his lips, "Me too." Sapnap copies his nod and darts his eyes across the room, not wanting to look Karl in the face. Karl sighs and hops onto the island. Sapnap furrows his eyebrows and heads for the exit. He stops in his track and sighs. Karl watches him with doe eyes.

"You know when I started the fake dating plan, I really didn't know why I did it. I kept it going though because I ended up realizing why I subconsciously did it and why I wanted to continue it?" Sapnap starts his explanation. Karl furrows his eyebrows at him, "Why did you do it?" Sapnap turns around and meets his grey-blue eyes.
"Just so I could call you mine" he admits without hesitation. Karl's breath hitches.

"I was too scared thinking you didn't feel the same, so I was selfish and thought of a way to do romantic actions with you without telling you how I felt. I thought I could tell you eventually or figure out how you felt by it. Somehow, it's a miracle or something, you went along with it" Sapnap explains.
"Just so I could call you mine" Karl quotes as an answer. Sapnap furrows his eyebrows in confusion and Karl laughs wholeheartedly, "We're idiots."
"Why?" Sapnap questions, stepping closer to Karl.

"Nick" he whispers, allowing Sapnap to step even closer to him.
"What, Karl?" he questions; he doesn't get it. Karl shakes his head and giggles, "Nick, I realized I was in love with you the night before the day you left." Sapnap's mouth falls agape slightly as he stares into Karl's grey-blue eyes. He blinks and places a warm hand on Karl's knee, then moves to stand between his legs.

He places a rough hand on Karl's jaw and pulls him down close to his height.
"We're such idiots" he whispers, then smashes their lips together into a passionate kiss. The kiss holds all the emotions they've been hiding; the love, the adoration, the need and want for the other. No other kiss or touch can compare to the one they share now, the one where they both know they love each other helplessly and have been waiting for the other.

Sapnap pulls away but Karl follows him with his lips.
"I love you so much" Sapnap whispers, placing a kiss onto Karl's jaw and trailing them down his neck. Karl giggles, which makes Sapnap match his giggles.
"I love you so much too" he whispers back and places a kiss on Sapnap's cheek a jaw. Sapnap smiles fondly at him then connects their lips again in a chaste kiss.

Written: 7/6/21 Words: 1068
i may have one chap idea left but idk


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