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very. very long chapter

After two days is when it happens. They've done a couple of streams already, a few on Karl's account and Sapnap's. Karl has been very clingy to Sapnap; sitting on his chair, trying to hold his hand, trying to kiss him, and just leaning on him many times. Slowly, Sapnap is getting more comfy with this.

Today, Karl and Sapnap recorded a video with MrBeast and his crew. After, they all hung out and played jackbox on stream. Karl constantly touched and layed on Sapnap, and Sapnap was comfortable with it. In fact, at one point Sapnap caught himself trying to wrap his arm around Karl, which he retreated immediately when he saw Karl sit away from him.

Now, Sapnap and Karl are on their way back to Karl's place. It doesn't happen during the car ride though. Karl sits his left arm on the door and props his head up with it, then glances at Sapnap. Sapnap closes his eyes gently, then looks to Karl after a few seconds.
"How are you holding up here?" Karl questions, turning the music down. Sapnap smiles at him warmly, leaning his head against the seat.
"I'm doing good! I like it at your place, and I like hanging out with you, Karl" Sapnap admits. Karl's cheeks tint pink as a grin forms on his face, "I'm glad! I like hanging out with you too, it's...comforting?" Sapnap nods at the word suggestion, "We have laughed a lot together already and gotten pretty close." Karl smirks gently, "You talking about my cuddles?" Sapnap laughs, rolling his eyes, "Sure, sure. We've cuddled, and they're nice."

The banter slows a little as they continue to talk about Sapnap's time there. They talk about future streams until they finally reach Karl's house. Sapnap follows Karl as he unlocks the door and moves to the kitchen.
"Do you want something to eat? It's getting late, and we haven't ate" Karl suggests, opening the fridge after setting his keys on the island counter. Sapnap walks over to him, "What do you got?" Karl hums, "Uh, mostly stuff for Breakfast." Sapnap shrugs and opens Karl's pantry, "That's fine. Lets make pancakes, eggs, and bacon."

"Sure, make yourself at home, Nick!" Karl changes his tone to be sarcastic and thumps Sapnap on the back of the head lightly. Sapnap furrows his eyebrows and purses his lips as he stares at Karl. Karl meets his eyes and smiles, "I'm kidding. You know you're welcome here. Dig through my drawers, go to the store for me; anything, you can be at home here. I don't mind it." Sapnap chuckles, the corners of his lips tugging upwards, "Okay, Karl. I just need to warm up to where everything is here, but let's make food. I'm hungry!"

Karl pulls out the dishes, bowls, and utensils they need and sets them onto the island. Karl snorts, watching Sapnap bring over the ingredients for pancakes.
"I can't believe you're already wanting to cook and we aren't even having the cooking stream yet" Karl notes, laughing at Sapnap. Sapnap shrugs, starting to measure the flour, "Practice makes perfect." Karl chuckles, helping him with the other ingredients. He measures and pours the milk into a bowl as Sapnap deals with the flour.

"Just say you want to spend more time with me" Karl jokes, causing Sapnap's eyes to widen slightly. Sapnap smirks and grabs a clump of flour out of the bag.
"Nick, don't" Karl warns.
"What, Karl? I'm just practicing the content we'll give with the cooking stream" Sapnap states innocently, raising his flour filled hand.
"Nick!" Karl screams, trying to run past the island. Sapnap quickly chases him and slaps the flour onto his light blue hoodie. Sapnap starts to laugh, giggles mixing into the laughs that erupt from his chest.

Karl giggles, grabbing another clump of flour for himself. Sapnap closes his eyes as Karl wipes the flour onto his face.
"There, now you're even more handsome" Karl states, biting his lip lightly as he wipes the leftover flour onto Sapnap's shirt. Sapnap shakes his head, a bright smile on his face. He dips his fingers into the flour again and swipes them against Karl's cheek.
"You too, so handsome" he jokes back. Karl rolls his eyes and turns to crack the eggs, "C'mon, need food."

It happens after that, after they finish their food and are getting through with eating. Sapnap scrolls through his Twitter, looking at the many comments he's being tagged in due to the picture posted earlier of them cuddling. He bites his lip in thought, and instead of thinking of the consequences, he lets the narcissistic thought get to him.
"Karl," he starts, grabbing Karl's attention. Karl turns to him with open eyes, focusing on Sapnap's. Sapnap takes a deep breath.

Sapnap sighs, "What if we date? Like pretend to date, everyone already thinks we are. They say our platonic actually means romantic so-" Karl's eyes widen and he drops his fork onto the island, "What? Nick, that's gaybaiting." Sapnap shakes his head, "I'm not straight, Karl." Karl furrows his eyebrows, "So what is this? You want me to be like your ploy?" Sapnap sighs, "Not exactly. It'll help me come out, yeah, but-" Karl frowns, "So it's not gaybaiting because we both aren't straight. It'll help you and I guess me come out, which is like the only benefit of this. I don't want to be your ploy, Nick." Sapnap meets Karl's grey eyes, "It's not like that, Karl. You mean the world to me, that's why we could do this and work it out. No one can know it's fake, then nothing bad will happen. I'm not trying to gaybait, and we aren't because we aren't straight. Please, Karl."

Karl sighs, "Fine, but I'm only doing this for you, for us. Let's get our story straight, and swear that no one will find out it's fake." Sapnap smiles and leans in to hug Karl, wrapping his arms around his neck to pull him down.
"Thanks, Karl" Sapnap beams, standing up to wash his plate. Karl smiles at him and joins him.

"Okay, so when did we start dating?" Karl questions, grabbing a pen and paper.
"You writing this down?" Sapnap questions, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. Karl nods, "Incase one of us forgets something and the other isn't there. Now, c'mon." Sapnap lets out a breath of air as he thinks, "Uh, okay. Two months ago, maybe on New Years." Karl nods, writing it down, "I asked you out."
"What?" Sapnap scoffs. Karl shrugs, "I'm better at letting things out than you." Sapnap sighs and nods his head, motioning to the paper for him to write it down.

"We we're watching the countdown live together over facetime, and once the ball dropped, you told me you had feelings for me. I admitted that I had feelings for you too" Sapnap explains, smiling as he speaks. Karl nods, then freezes once he finishes writing, "A-Are we going to have to kiss?" Sapnap's eyes widen, "Maybe only if someone doesn't believe it." Karl nods, "Okay." Sapnap steps beside him to check what he has written, his chest bumping Karl's back lightly.

"We can just act the same way with each other, nothing has to change. We already act pretty close, people can interpret it the way they want. Unless you want to say we're dating, or we could just let 'babe' or 'love you' slip on stream. Then, we could address it there." Karl nods, "Okay, uh-" Sapnap furrows his eyebrows, "What?" Karl turns to face him, their chests almost touching.

"When do we break up?" Karl questions. Sapnap's jaw drops slightly as he meets Karl's eyes. Oh, Sapnap thinks, we do have to break up.
"Maybe a little over a month after I leave. We want it to be believable" Sapnap suggests. Karl nods his head, "Dated for five months, we can say it just wasn't working out. We can make up something else too, I don't know." Sapnap smiles, placing a hand onto Karl's shoulder, "We can figure that out when the time comes, Karl." Karl smiles and nods his head, then moves to exit the kitchen.

"Goodnight, Nick" he says softly, standing in the doorway. Sapnap smiles warmly, "Goodnight, boyfriend."
"Boyfriend" Karl repeats, then he walks to his bedroom.

Written: 6/4-5/21 Words: 1400


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