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hi here we go!!

Once Karl woke up this morning, his heart dropped as he checked the date. He's doing better with his heartbreak, but he's terrified actually seeing Sapnap will ruin his progress. Today, that theory will be tested since Sapnap is on his way.

Karl clicks on his phone and checks his text messages. He only has a few and they're all from Sapnap, all of them being about his trip and updating him on how far he is and how he is doing. Karl had texted him around 2AM when he was going to bed and wished him a safe and well trip and informed him to call when he was close. Though they've already met for the first time, Karl still hopes this time will be similar to last time. He hopes they'll look at each other the same way, talk to each other the same way, and even hold each other the same way.

He remembers how they were last time; both excited and beaming. They talked on the phone together as he got closer and closer, similar to how Sapnap got closer to Karl's heart. He remembers it vividly, Sapnap does not leave Karl's mind.

He remembers how Sapnap's voice was filled with laughter and you could hear his smile as he told him there was only ten minutes till he arrives. Karl had squealed out of excitement, all because he was meeting his best friend face to face and it was nearing the moment. Karl sighs, glancing at his phone. He wonders if Sapnap will call him again.

Karl moves to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. He has a new house now, an actual house instead of a townhome, so when he pulls out the pancake mix he has a flash of the memory with Sapnap. He sighs, he can barely imagine it due to the changed setting. He rolls his eyes gently and finishes making his pancakes, then sits down to eat. He washes the dishes and glances at the time. He should be here soon, Karl believes, which means he should call soon.

Karl moves to his living room and sits down to turn on Netflix. As he does, his phone finally starts to ring. Karl's eyes widen and he sits up and grabs his phone from the coffee table. It's Sapnap, of course. Karl takes a deep breath and picks up.

"You almost here, Nick?" Karl questions once Sapnap says 'hello.' Sapnap's voice crackles through Karl's phone speakers, "Yeah, about ten minutes or so. I didn't know how close you wanted me to call." Karl smiles softly, "It's okay." Karl's eyes widen as a realization hits him. He lifts his head up and glances at the front door. There's a chance it won't be like last time, but Karl can try, right? He stands up and walks to the door.

He remembers how soft Sapnap spoke to him, was Sapnap fond of him too? Just like before, Sapnap can hear a door open. Just like before, he grows nervous and excited and warm.
"Karl?" Sapnap calls, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel nervously. He glances at his phone for the GPS, following it closely since Karl moved houses. Karl smiles at the similar interaction, he responds, "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?" Sapnap questions, furrowing his eyebrows. Karl's grin grows brighter and bigger, "I'm walking outside to the porch." Sapnap rolls his eyes though he cant be seen. Karl can hear the soft laughter in his voice, "Again?" This is different, Karl thinks, why are they playful and- teasing?

A few more minutes pass by until Sapnap speaks to inform Karl.
"I'm on your road, do you see my car?" Sapnap asks. Karl nods his head, "Yes, I'm waving." Sapnap ends the call and looks for Karl waving, then pulls into his driveway. Karl can feel his anxiety bubble inside of him as he steps down the porch stairs. Sapnap steps out of the car and Karl feels like he can't breathe. Karl walks over to him hesitantly as Sapnap watches him.
"Hey" Sapnap greets warmly. Karl licks his lips, "Hey! You're here again." Sapnap nods, a smile forming on his lips, "I like the new house."
"Want a tour?" Karl jokes, but Sapnap nods.

Karl helps him with his luggage and walks him through the front door, then starts the tour. He goes to the living room and the kitchen, then to his own bedroom. Then, he shows him the other bedrooms and finishes the tour on the guest room he'll stay in. Sapnap sighs and falls onto the guest bed, leaving his luggage in the middle of the floor. Karl kicks his shoe against the floor nervously. They stay there for a moment, Sapnap being too tired to get up. Suddenly, Sapnap sits up on the bed and meets Karl's eyes.

"Let's tell them now" he states. Karl furrows his eyebrows, "How?" Sapnap motions his finger at Karl for him to walk over, and slowly Karl does. When he's standing right in front of Sapnap, Sapnap pulls him down onto the bed. They fall with Karl on top of Sapnap and Sapnap's arms planted firmly around Karl's waist.
"How is this part of it?" Karl questions, giving up his struggle to get out of the now cuddle.
"Hey, remember like before? We used to cuddle all the time, being away from each other doesn't change that" Sapnap reassures and Karl frowns. Things did change, feelings are involved but Sapnap doesn't know that.

Sapnap pulls out his phone and places a hand on the back of Karl's head.
"Just drop your head, it's okay. Trust me" Sapnap reassures. Karl takes a deep breath and lays his head down on Sapnap's chest. For once, Sapnap is wearing a short sleeve shirt so Karl can actually feel the toned muscle underneath. Idly, his hand moves to lay beside his head on Sapnap's chest. His fingers start to mess with the cloth and his eyes close. Sapnap lifts his arm that isn't around Karl's waist and takes a picture of them.

The picture has Sapnap's pink lips, a soft warm smile planted on them, and Karl down to his shoulder in frame. You can see the material of his shirt twisted between two of Karl's fingers, Karl's fluffy brown hair, and a gentle at-ease look and smile on Karl's face. Sapnap shows him the picture an it makes his cheeks heat up at them being so close and content. Sapnap writes out a tweet along with the photo and shows it to Karl for approval. People are going to believe they're back together, which basically is true. It's still not real though.

Karl nods his head and Sapnap hits tweet. Karl's phone vibrates in his pocket from the notification and the words feel embedded into his mind. Back home, Sapnap had wrote, as if Karl were his home.

Written: 6/23-26/21 Words: 1159
finally it has been written


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