I think I love you

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Sollux's Pov-

        I stormed out of the Piexes's house, not even bothering to close the door. I knew that this was a bad idea. Why didn't I just tell KK that I didn't want anything to do with ED? Why couldn't I just say that I hated ED and that I was over him. Cause I'm so not over him. I loved that stupid Amopra. I loved him enough to kiss his brother. Which shouldn't have happened. At all. But I was just proving a point. A really stupid one. But still a point. I started walking down the street not really caring where I was or where I was going. "Sol! Wait up!" I heard Eridan run up to me. "What do you want?" I kept walking, not bothering to look at him. "I just wanted to say that I was sorry." I stopped in my tracks. "Did you just apologize to me?" I looked up at him. Since when was Ampora taller than me? "Don't mention it." I smirked. "I think I'll mention it as much as I can." Eridan sighed. "I guess, I'm sorry too." He crocked his head to the side. "For what?" I face palmed. Was he stupid? "For kissing your brother." He snorted. "I don't care about that. He was probably wanting to be angrily kissed by someone. He has weird fantasies." Oh.

        Eridan and I never returned to the party that night. We ended up walking a park that was nearby. I guess this was to patch things up. I didn't think that this was possible. Because he was gone for so long. There were so many things that happened while he was away. "She did what?" I snorted. "Yeah. Vriska threw him on the ground and sat on him. It was the best fifteen minutes of my life. Mr. Smith had to pull her off of him. But she wouldn't let go." We were sitting on swings, kicking each other from the side. "Well Kankri should know not call Vris a pompous asshole." I shrugged. It was weird hearing those words from Kankri, let alone re-hearing them from Eridan. He had changed alot too. He wasn't the same small nerd that I had once knew. He was more well built. His hair had grown out and he was no longer wearing those purple thick rimmed glasses. His teeth were no longer too big for his mouth. His face wasn't as rounded, but he still had the small freckles that danced across his face. He had lost the feminine figure that he had since he was in the fourth grade. He actually looked mature. "Sol.. What are you looking at?" But he still had that strange accent. I wondered where he got it from. "Huh?" I looked over his face once more. God, he looked beautiful in the light of the off-yellow street lamp. "Why are you starring at me?" Was I starring? I hadn't even realized. Why was I staring? "Eridan. I think I love you."

(A/N: Hey! It feels like a long time since I update this story, but its here in all its glory!

Please check out some of my other stories- (Just to name a few)

~Don't leave me alone~

~I want to be your partner (SoulxReader)~


~If all I have is you~

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(Wow this is alot of stuff)

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