freshmen to Sophmore year (pt. 2)

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Sollux's pov- (Time skip)

So the dance wasn't so bad. Although we had to leave early because Karkat got sick. I told him not to eat anything that Terezi had made. It was unidentifiable to begin with . But he insisted on eating it anyway considering Terezi was his friend and he didn't want to hurt her feelings. But I wish he hadn't cause now I was stuck taking care of him along with his older brother Kankri. Those two were supposed to be at school taking their finals. But that wasn't happening. I had already taken my finals. Since I was advanced in everything I had to take mine early and I had to take three types of test fro each class. One for freshman, one for freshman advanced and one for sophomore. Even though I had finished my tests I still had to show up for class. But I wasn't going. Not without Karkat at least.

"Soooolllllluuuuuuxxxxx!" Katkat groaned. I quickly walked into the sicklings room. I leaned on the door frame, watching the younger boy roll over in his bed. "You called?" I say, trying to hide a small that began forming on my face. "Yes I did you fucking shitsponge." What the hell is a shitsponge? I shook my head, clearing my thoughts of sponges. "What do you want?" I edge my way closer to his bed still keeping my distance. I didn't want to get sick as well. "Take care of me." I rolled. "I have been taking care of you." Which was true, I've been here most of the day, running back and forth between his room, the bathroom and the kitchen, getting him what he wanted and needed. "Well, you aren't doing a good job of it." I threw my hands up in frustration. "What do you want me to do about it? If you had just listened to me when I said don't eat things made by TZ you wouldn't be sick." He slowly sat up, clutching his head with one hand. "Can you not yell? I have a killer headache." I narrowed my eyes. "Maybe, if you weren't such a whiny bitch!" Okay, so I wasn't mad at Karkat. I was just tired of taking care of him. I wasn't a fucking nurse. And I was tired period. I haven't slept for a few days and it was wearing on me. "Why are you yelling at me?" He threw his red and black spades blanket off of him. he rolled out of his bed and stood up. I sighed. "KK, get back in bed." He walked toward me. "Make me Captor." I rolled my eyes. "Is that a challenge?" He took a few more steps. "Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't." I snorted. I could easily make him get back in his bed, what with the state he was in. He was weaker than normal. Plus he could barley see, I knew he wasn't wearing his contacts and there was no way he'd put his glasses on. He was coughing too hard to properly stand and the sweat that was dripping from his told me that moving was the last thing he really wanted to be doing. "Please just get back in bed. I'm not going to fight with you right now." He shook his head. "I don't want to fight with you. I just want you to take care of me." I opened my mouth to say what I had said early but I closed it when I realized ehat he actually meant. He knew that I was taking care of him physically. But he wanted to be taken care of emotionally. He wanted to be cared by his love. Which was me. I laughed slightly. I should've seen it from the beginning. The whole entire day, I refused to come within two feet of him and made Knakri do all the dirty work. Karkat just wanted me to be close to him and love him. "Fine, but you have to promise to get back in bed." He nodded. "Okay."

(Time skip)

"So this it." Feferi looked up at the school building. I wrapped my arm around her neck. "Yep. So hello to sophmore year FF. No one can call us Freshies anymore." She giggled. "You're such a dork." I sighed. "Yeah, I know." I looked over at Karkat. "What do you think KK?" He shrugged. "It's just another school year. It'll be just like last year, expect we're 10th graders." I rolled my eyes. "Oh don't be such a dorsal fin Karkat. It'll be fun!" He sighed. "Yeah, okay." I laughed. No one could be a downer when Feferi was around. It was just impossible.

Karkat's Pov-

I thought it was all too strange. When Eridan left, Sollux was all down in the dumps. He didn't show up to school for three whole days and then months afterward he refused to talk to anyone. And he didn't want to hang out with us. But now its as if Eridan never existed. What happened? I guess I couldn't be to upset about it though. I didn't have to worry about Ampora's constant flirting. Plus Sollux and I were dating. I was trying not to complain, but I kinda wished that Sollux would talk about him. Even if it was just to say his name.

(A/N: hey little cuttlefishes. Hows it going? This chapter is really long but I like it. And I hope you guys like it too. Also the picture is my OC. Their name is X. I really didn't know what to name them. So I just picked X. Its short sweet and to the point. The cosplay is still WIP, but with a few more changes it'll be done. Anyway, please send your feedback and I'l see you in the next update. Bye!)

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