The day I meet him (pt. 1)

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Eridan's pov-

"You be good Eri. Don't try to enslave the land dwellers. I'll be here to pick you up at one o'clock." I looked up at my Lusus. He wasn't looking down at me. I sighed. He was in another one of his angry moods. I nodded. "Of course." He pushed my shoulder, telling me to go into the room. I slowly walked in the room. It was filled with a bunch of children. I clutched my whale plushie to my chest. I was getting alot of stares from some of the kids. I stood by the door without saying anything. I was a little frightened of all the people in the room. I stood there for a few more minutes before someone walked up to me. He was taller than me by a few inches, bi-colored glasses sat firmly on his face, and a Gemini symbol on his shirt. "Hello, my name is Sollux Captor. What's yours?" I shrunk back some. There was something different about him. But I couldn't tell what it was. "Well are you gonna tell me or are you just gonna stand there?" He placed his hands on his hips. "Sol, quit picking on new kids." A voice, sounding similar to his, spoke up. "Shut it Tuna!" I held up my whale and gave it a squeeze. "My name is Eridan Ampora." I mumbled. "Hmm. Eridan huh? I think I'll call you, ED." He grabbed my hand. "Well c'mon. You can meet my friends." I gulped. I wasn't great with meeting new people. My lusus told me that I would grow out of that eventually. He said it was hard for some kids that were my age of 2.5 sweeps (approximately 5 earth years) to get used to new people. "Hey, AA!" He called out. Some girl with long brown hair turned around. "Oh hey Sol!" She sounded really cheerful. "I would like to meet my new friend Eridan." New friend? I've never made friends before. "Hi Eridan. I'm Aradia." I waved at her. "He's kinda shy." He looked over at me. "C'mon ED. Next is KK." I guess Sollux gives nicknames to all his friends. "Karkat!" He called out. "What do you want Sollux?" The voice sounded really angry. Sollux tugged to me a table where three trolls were sitting. There were two girls and a boy. The boy had small black freckles all over his face. He was wearing a sweater that was at least twice his size with a cancer symbol on it. The girl sitting on his left reminded me of a meowbeast. And the girl on his right was licking a piece of red chalk. Weird. "Guys, this is Eridan. He's my new friend." I waved at them. "I feel a new ship coming!" The cat girl spoke up. Sollux shook his head. "Ignore Nepeta. She just loves to put two people together in quadrants. I don't know where she found that stuff though." I nodded. These people were strange but they were cool. I guess.

Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter but I really didn't know where I wanted to go with it. So if you guys have any ideas please send them my way. Part 2 is going to be from Sollux's point of view I know that. Please send your feedback and I'll see you in the next update. Bye!

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