Big Three- Fluff

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Todoroki wasn't one to be emotional, everyone knew that. Unless you got Midoriya to ask him to do something there is a good chance he'd refuse, he just wasn't as emotionally invested as others. At least that's what people thought.

Most thought he was stoic, calm, never really smiled or laughed. But in Katsuki's dorm, it was different.

His eyes closed, teeth showing as he held back more peals of laughter. His eyes, once opened, shining with humor. Katsuki snorted, chuckling deeply at the male on the floor, staring up at the ceiling with green curls around his head like a halo. His arms and legs spread like a starfish, expression sarcastic as his boyfriends laughed at him.

"Shut up, will you?!" He snatched a pillow that had fallen with him when he rolled off the bed and onto the carpet. The pillow being caught by Katsuki, inches from his face as he smirked down at Izuku.

"Nah, rather not, nerd." He chucked the pillow back, hitting Midoriya directly in the face and causing him to fall back to the floor with a huff. Todoroki, who finally caught his breath, spoke.

"Izuku, you know it's not that big of a deal."

"Sho-" Izuku said, in a whiny tone. "What do I tell her?!"

"You left her on read?" Bakugou snickered at the exasperated look he got in return, the freckled teen close to frantic. He sat up, crossing his legs which were bare since the only thing covering him, other than his boxers, was Katsuki's skull t-shirt. Thunder thighs, Bakugou liked to tease, the male had amazing legs.

"What was I supposed to do?!"

"Turn her down." Todoroki said, as if it was that simple. It was clearly not that simple for Midoriya.

"She's our friend! Uraraka doesn't deserve to be, like, turned down with a simple no. What do I say?! Help!" He chewed on his bottom lip, turning the skin darker under his teeth. Both boys on the bed followed the movement with their eyes, swallowing thickly before disregarding the thought they both had shared.

Katsuki stretched his arms over his head, muscles flexing fully and all in sight seeing as he was shirtless, Izuku had taken his shirt and he didn't really feel like going to get one from his closet which was merely five feet away. He only wore his baggy pants, the waistband low on his hips showing the V-line. Todoroki, probably the most dressed, was in a tank top and boxers. They were comfortable like this, it was easier, they supposed.

"Why not just say we're together?" Katsuki mumbled, the only one out of the two who didn't see the problem but he immediately regretted speaking when his lovers whipped their heads to him and glared. Todoroki couldn't handle his father, how he would react. Usually he would love making Endeavour mad but to tell him he was in a Poly relationship? With two guys? He would be dead, on sight.

With Izuku, he didn't mind either way but he was deathly terrified of what people would think, say, act. His mother didn't even know he was in this relationship, he didn't know how she would react because they never had those types of talks when he was younger. It was never brought up, he didn't know if she accepted it or not and was too scared to find out the wrong answer.

Katsuki was just so openly gay he didn't care. His mother knew, the class knew, hell the whole world will know when he becomes a pro hero. He never hid it, Mitsuki was so accepting he barely even remembers coming out. She always just knew. But, nevertheless, he kept the relationship a secret. Up to date only Mitsuki knew and Masaru, both having been ecstatic that their son had two beautiful lovers to hold him down when he went too far.

Rain poured outside, the sound of the pitter patter filling the room and calming the two boys before they said something they both didn't mean or ever want to say. The soft sound of the wind whistled through the open window, the weather being so humid you could taste the thickness in the air on your tongue. The lazy, yet oh so vibrant, smell of flowers drifting up into their senses even if they were high up in the dorms. The warmth being a comfortable one but one that still had rosiness coming to your skin.

Izuku sighed, standing up only to walk the two feet to Katsuki. He let the blond pull him into his lap on the bed, his head against his chest as he spoke. "Kacchan, you know we can't do that yet."

"Yeah." Katsuki ran his fingers through the boy's curls, the rise and fall of his chest lulling Izuku into a soft hazy stupor. His eyes closed from the feeling of Bakugou massaging his scalp softly, breath thinning but he wasn't about to fall asleep he was in an inbetween. Between consciousness and sleepiness. The vibration of his voice, the rough deepness of it, Izuku loved it.

Todoroki pouted playfully, giving Bakugou a look. "What about me?"

The blonde snorted, keeping one hand in Izuku's hair to continue his motions, he used his other arm to tug Todoroki closer. Shoto on one side, head on the males shoulder, and Izuku fully in Katsuki's lap with his head in the crook of his neck. His breathing was turning softer and, without him knowing it, Midoriya was out like a light. A small snore leaving him, the slightest of sighs as he cuddled even more into Katsuki's warmth. His nose filled with caramel with a smoky undertone that left him feeling all gooey and lovey, like honey dripping down onto toast.

Katsuki patted Todoroki's arm. "Look."

"Hm, out like that-" He snapped softly, laughing under his breath. "He worked so hard in training today, I'm not surprised."

"What are we gonna tell Round Face? She's probably waiting for a reply and even I don't have the heart to be mean."

"The great Katsuki Bakugou not wanting to hurt someone's feelings?" Todoroki gasped, teasing. "I think Izuku rubbed off on you."

"Mhm." Katsuki brang Izuku impossibly closer with a deep inhale. "Fuck, why does he have to be like a fucking cat? I just wanna hold him. I don't like it-"

"You love it." Todoroki grinned at the scowl he got, the defensive set of Katsuki's jaw ticking.

"Yeah but, come on-" He didn't need to continue, there was no need and to the sound of the rain they both fell asleep. Todoroki not knowing how but he was certain that he fell asleep to the sound of both Izuku's and Katsuki's hearts beating in tandem, followed by each other, merged. Like a love song and a lullaby just for him. 

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