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At Night, Naina helped Priyanka in making Gulab Jamun, and Neelam was also there in kitchen to learn, she was impressed by the soft and kind behaviour of Naina, she was willingly helping Priyanka, they prepared the dinner together, hence Naina was feeling quite comfortable with them, they both are friendly and preferable for talking, but the weird behaviour of Madhuri was noticed by everyone, she was trying to spot mistakes in everything which was cooked by Naina. Though Naina avoided her indirect taunts with a smile, deep down she felt offended with her unnecessary comments.

Soon it was time for every man in this house to return back from the office. Jai dadu was feeling quite unwell so he decided to spend his whole day at home, Naina was eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of her Mr.Handsome, she never felt this kind of excitement for anyone, not even on her own birthday. Sameer has really fascinated her at first sight, and She wants nothing but to always be there with him. 

Advay was enthusiastically playing with Naina's silky hair, he was rolling her hair strands in his tiny fingers, and was giggling carelessly. She suddenly felt a warm connection with this naughty boy, the way he laughs without any worries and stress, it brings a smile to her lips.

He fell asleep in her arms soon, and Naina gave the baby to Priyanka. Sameer, Anirudh, and Vinod were discussing their new project while coming inside, Sameer's blazer was rolled around his hand, and he was engrossed in sharing his ideas to his father and uncle. Naina saw him with a nervous smile on her face, and He also noticed her presence.

"You are still here?" He asked her annoyingly.

"Yes...Dadu and Priyanka Bhabhi forced me to have dinner with you all." Naina said with an awkward smile, and He shook his head in disbelief.

"These people are giving so much importance to this frustrating girl." Sameer murmured angrily under his breath, and carelessly threw away his coat on the sofa. Naina looked at him in surprise, and gently picked up his coat while saying with a sassy smile - "I thought you would throw this piece of cloth on my face, hence my presence must be annoying you."

"Shut up." He yelled at her in a low voice, and went upstairs to change his clothes.

"Awww...he looks so cute with this angry face." She said to herself with a sweet smile, and the intoxicating fragrance flowing out of his coat enchanted Naina, and she wondered which perfume does he spray on his athletic body?

She kept the coat back on the sofa, and went to set the dining table with the help of Priyanka. They both were gossiping about new drama soap 'Balma Mera Haye. Kabhi Paas Na Aaye." Everyone gathered in the hall with a fresh smile on their faces, but Sameer noticed only one person amongst his family people, and it was Naina. She seemed to be engrossed in a deep conversation with his sister-in-law, he chuckled and sat down on his chair.

"Can I serve you guys?" Naina asked everyone with a hesitant smile.

"Stop behaving like a typical daughter-in-law, in our house women don't fill our plates, we take everything on our own, so come sit down with us, and have your food quickly." Sameer said in a stern voice, and took his plate from his mother.

"Ok that's very nice, but if one day I would serve everyone, then it won't make any difference. Right?" Naina looked at him questioningly, and Vinod said with a warm smile - "You're right."

"Thank You Uncle." She politely smiled at him, and passed a victory smile to grumpy Sameer.

Naina started to serve everyone one by one with a sweet smile on her face, and She gave a bowl of Gulab Jamun to everyone, except Sameer. He looked at her in confusion, and asked - "So now you will take revenge from me, for stopping you?"

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