jingyi knew that look. he did something wrong again. he gave his senior a sheepish smile, "shixiong, i uh..." he nervously began. his eyes darted around everywhere as he was unable to meet the look in his senior's eyes. "relax, shidi. you just made a mistake in your stroke. right there." the senior pointed his index finger to a red brush stroke in the yellow talisman. "huh?" jingyi squinted his eyes to look closer. "oh, you're right!" he exclaimed. a look of utter horror appeared in his face as he ripped the talisman out of the pillar, mumbling something about 'wrong brushtrokes' and whatnot.

lan r/n only chuckled as jingyi ran off, wanting to fix his mistake right away. even if it was just a small brushstroke, the effects it would make would've made a mess, and if he made a mess, lan r/n was always there to make him clean it all up.

lan r/n took notice of the lunatic who caused a commotion earlier. his face had been rid of the ghastly makeup, which revealed an attractive face. still, an attractive face meant nothing if his personality was that of a lunatic's. not wanting to remember earlier's events, lan r/n pulled out his fan and slowly began to fan himself.

the reason why he wasn't helping out his juniors, was because he was only instructed to watch over them. he was not to interfere unless completely necessary.

he heard the soft padding of footsteps heading in his direction. from the corner of his eye, he saw the lunatic approaching him, a mischievous smile present on his face. lan r/n turned around and pretended to watch his disciples when really, he was keeping his focus on the young man. the young man stopped just beside him before he rested his hip against the railing of the veranda. the young man didn't say anything, he just stared at him and while smiling. lan r/n continued to ignore him, that was until the young man reached a hand out to gently grab a lock of his hair.

"you're as beautiful as the day i lost you, a-y/n." lan r/n widened his eyes. he could barely register the sound of his fan clattering on the ground, or the wind gently blowing through them, making his hair and veil flutter along with the wind.

 he could barely register the sound of his fan clattering on the ground, or the wind gently blowing through them, making his hair and veil flutter along with the wind

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"wei ying!" a loud cry echoed in the night. the battlefield was a bloody mess, with fierce corpses and cultivators fighting viciously amongst each other in the midst of all the deceased bodies and puddles of blood on the floor.

a cultivator in white wept as he kneeled in the ground. his white robes were stained in a deep crimson. his beautiful face was mixed with blood and tears, and his eyes were red and puffy from crying. blood ran down his jaws, coming from his lips where an ugly gash ran down his bloody lips. still, he ignored the burning pain in his mouth. he kept clinging to an amulet, an amulet that was bursting with dark energy.

cultivators tried to reach him, to try and slay him, but the corpses would keep them away. he hugged the dark amulet close to his chest as he cried uncontrollably. "wei ying!!" he cried out again, wincing at the pain on his lips. but unfortunately, his strained voice was drowned out by the sounds of the battlefield, of swords clashing and corpses snarling. he looked down, watching as his tears and blood dripped onto the stone pavement.

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