I'm quiet. He told me I couldn't talk

He rolls his eyes and straightens his back. "Answer me, woman."

"You should have told me about the snakes," I snap.

Welp, I was wrong. Mama DID raise a fool

Anger crosses his face as he nods. "Sophie, I'm tryin'. I'm tryin' to be a different husband than I was with Rebecca, but you're not tryin' at all. So, you will just get the husband Rebecca got during spankings. I didn't stop ya when I gave you a lickin' those two times, but you WILL NOT leave until I dismiss you. Iffin ya try, I will haul ya back and spank you again until yur blistered. Ya'hear me?"

I just nod. I feel like I'm going to cry. I'm SO nervous.

"Git over here, woman."

I don't even put up a fuss as I walk over to him. He looks at me dead in the eye as he grabs my left wrist and pulls me down, guiding me over his left knee.

My stomach goes uncomfortably across his muscled thigh, and I brace for what's coming.

Being in this position is bringing back horrible memories, but thankfully, the mortification isn't as strong. He's already seen me before, and I've seen him. It's NOTHING like last time.

Once he's got me adjusted how he wants, he flips up my skirts, and I brace. The instant cool air on my bottom surprises me. He wasted no time in pulling down my drawers.

He places his calloused hand on my bottom, and holds it there.

"This will be yur hardest one yet. I went easy on you the first couple times, because I felt bad. I don't feel bad today, Sophie. Also, from here on out, I will NOT wait until evening. I've been tryin' to give ya privacy, but that's over too. When ya step outta line, I'll haul ya to the barn like I do the children. They will not be allowed in here, but I'm sure they will know. I always knew when my ma was gettin' it."

I immediately tense as I scramble and get off of his lap.

"What in the Sam Hill are ya doin'?" He bellows, reaching for my hand.

"You WILL NOT do that," I hiss, moving further away from him.

"I will, Sophie," he says as he stands up and comes over to me, grabbing my wrist roughly and yanking me over to the spanking chair again.

"Why don't you just strip me of everything, then," I say as a sob slips from my chest.

So much for not crying.

He had gotten me back over his lap and flipped my skirts back up, but his hand immediately freezes when I say that.

"What does that mean?" He asks, resting his rough hand back on my bottom.

"All of my dignity. Just take it all, Matthew. I'm just a possession to you. Never mind my feelings. Us womenfolk are only good for birthing babies and cooking your meals," I say as tears fall down my cheeks.

He's completely quiet and his hand completely still for a moment.

"You ready?" He finally asks. I can't tell what his tone is. It's not anger...It's something else.

"Go ahead," I say as I brace my hands on the ground and wait.

The first slap takes me by surprise. The force was so much more than I was expecting, that it immediately makes me jolt. He never once hit me this hard the first two times.

My bare skin immediately feels the sharp sting as heat rapidly pools where he struck me.

After the second smack, I know I'm in trouble. I had no idea that a spanking could possibly get worse. He really was being nice the first two times. This is so painful, I'm already about to cry out in pain.

Marriage of NecessityWhere stories live. Discover now