~20~ Dismissed

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I watch him as he stomps off, while I have a million things I want to say. However, there's nothing I'm willing to say. Here I was pleased as pie that I didn't sass Mrs. Salders this morning.

Lord, your sense of humor isn't as funny as you might think it is. Looks like Sophie WILL be getting a tanning tonight after all.


I go to start supper, ignoring the fact that we will not be having jam with our biscuits. I was really looking forward to the sweet delicacy, but there's no way on this dusty land that I'll be going into that cellar now that I know it's infested with little devils.

Asking Matthew is also out of the question, because I feel like pouting. Do I deserve to be punished? No. Did I deserve to know that killing serpents were in the cellar? Yes

Matthew stays outside until Remi calls the boys for supper. When he comes in, he looks at me, but I ignore his stare. I agreed to allow him to discipline me, but I DIDN'T agree to be a good sport about it.

Jokes on him that he didn't read the fine print

Once we sit down and Remi says grace, Jamie looks around the table.

"We don't get no jam after all?" He asks, looking how I feel.

"Hush and eat," Matthew snaps as he puts butter on his flaky biscuit and takes a big bite.

We fall into silence as we eat, acting like we haven't had a meal in a week. This is a particularly good feast tonight. I used my grandmama's recipe for lamb chops, and they're falling off the bone.

"Right good, Sophie," Matthew says as he gets a third helping.

When I say nothing, his eyes get dark, but he's quiet as he digs into another chop.

Once supper is eaten and dishes are finished, I go out and get the laundry from the line as the children do their evening chores. Once everything is winding down for the night, my stomach is tightening. I'm so nervous. I forgot what the feeling of a spanking on the horizon is like.....my stomach feels like it's full of lead.

Matthew tucks the children in, and then comes out and looks at me mending a sock in the rocking chair.

"Let's git it over with," he says sternly as he walks over to the door.

I look up at him, and give him my very best mad look. He doesn't seem to care that I'm doing my very best to show him how displeased I am. He continues to stare at me, unwavering, until I simply put my things away and stand up.

Mama may have raised a stubborn mule, but she didn't raise a fool....Well, maybe she did. Agreeing to this was foolish. This is a child's punishment.

I follow him out, and we walk quietly to the barn. Each step I take is getting harder and harder to make. Every inch is bringing me closer to an aching bottom, and a bruised ego.

When we get in the barn and he shuts it, he doesn't say a word as he sits in the dreaded chair.

I wonder how hard it would be to destroy the chair enough, so that the next time he sits in it, he will come crashing down.

Once he's sitting and looking at me, he puts his elbows on his legs and clasps his hands together.

"There's a few things I wanna say before we start, and yur gonna be quiet as you listen."

I huff and cross my arms as he looks at me, daring me to say a word.

"First off, Sophie Olton....I love you."

Immediately some of my anger leaves. That's the first time he's outright told me that he loves me.

"I don't think I've ever told ya, but I do. However, you make me angrier than anyone ever has. What on earth possessed you to have Jamie disobey me?"

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