Kenzie rolled her eyes while Madison just smiled in content. 

"Not interesting at all," Daniella said in annoyance.  "Someone do a dare or give us something juicy."

Braden spun the bottle and it landed on Duncan Hanes, the boy that Logan went to Homecoming with. 

"I'll do a dare," Duncan said proudly. 

"This one is simple. Take five shots of Patrón," Braden dared Duncan.

Duncan nodded his head and pounded his chest like a Neanderthal.  They got up and walked toward the bar in the back. Braden grabbed a bunch of shot glasses as he poured the tequila in them. 

"Let's go!" Duncan started downing each glass that was placed in front of him until he reached glass number five. 

"Damn dude," Patrick said in amazement. 

"Easy." Duncan pounded his chest again.

"Dumbass," Kenzie muttered with a roll of her eyes. 

Duncan walked a few steps before stumbling. 

"You okay?" Braden tried to keep Duncan balanced. 

"Yeah, just buzzed." Duncan shook his head before taking a seat down. "Let's go!" He picked up the bottle and when he went to throw it, he threw himself down face-first onto the floor. 

"Is he good?" Patrick poked at Duncan who started to snore peacefully. "For such a big guy, he's a lightweight." 

"I'll go next," Alyson said dryly. She snatched the bottle from Duncan's grasp and lazily spun it. It turned about a quarter of the way before it landed on me. 

Oh shit! Stay calm, stay cool. It was just a game. 

"Truth or Dare, Zara?" Alyson's eyes narrowed into a glare as she looked at me.

Would I be brave enough to choose dare? Hell no!  Truth wouldn't be that bad. What could she ask me? "I will stick with truth." 

"Did you sleep with Amelia?" Alyson asked in such a blunt matter that it felt like an interrogation. 

"What?"  I definitely was not expecting that. "No!"

"Liar, liar pants on fire!" Olivia shouted at me. "You were clearly doing it. Came out of my room all messy and bothered." 

"No, it wasn't like that," I defended. 

"She does have a point," Madison stated.

"Who's side are you on?" I sent Madison a glare as she mouthed sorry to me. 

"Wait, your the girl that Amelia has a thing for?" Daniella pointed at me. 

"Wow, she told you?"  I don't know why but it made me feel proud for some reason.

Daniella just smirked at me and nodded her head. 

"Damn, she turned the hottest girl, gay," Patrick stated in disbelief. 

"You can't turn someone gay." I nearly shouted at Patrick. If I could throw one person out of a window, it would be him. 

"You lied so you got to kiss her." Daniella reminded me as she pointed at Alyson who looked very angry.

"I did not lie," I reiterated. I don't know why I was going so hard about not lying when I had the chance to kiss  Alyson. If you had an opportunity to kiss your crush, you would take it. At that moment it wasn't something I wanted to do. 

"You have no proof," Daniella.

"You don't have proof that I did," I defended. I looked at Devin and Kenzie for some help. Devin stared back at me as clueless as ever while Kenzie just shrugged her shoulders. 

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