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Hey everybody, my name is Tania Anderson. I'm 16 years old and I'm in junior at Roosevelt High School at St. Louis, MO. I was born and raised in St. Louis but I was in and out of the foster care system most of my life.

I swear, my life hasn't been easy because my mom is very abusive who hates me for whatever reason. Everytime I get put back in my mom's care, it's always the same shit which is sexually, physically and verbally abuse along with neglect since my mom always locked me in the closet days at the time with no food or water.

The worst part is when my mom let her boyfriend molested me while my mom standing there not doing anything about. When I tell her about it, I always get beaten up along with get called a liar and a whore which is I don't know how I'm lying about the sexual abuse by her boyfriend that don't do nothing but watch TV, drink beer and sleep all day.

The last straw was when I got home from school one day when my mom started beating me over some missing drugs. Let me tell you, she beats me so bad where I almost died in the hospital. When I found out that I was in the hospital, I bust down and cried begging the CPS workers not to put me back in the unsafe environment since I was 12 at the time.

I did live at the couple from St Charles, MO for a year in a half until the older lady who used to be the CPS workers but retired took me in since she raised me like her own. More I around that lady, more I'm glad that I finally found the safer home since most of the foster parents I had was a billon times worse than my mom especially the couple that from St Charles since I was still getting molested by the middle age man while the lady is watching.

Now, I'm in my room writing pomes on the Monday night which is I'm going to school tomorrow after being out on MLK day. Despite having the good foster mother, I tends to get depressed sometimes where I write a pomes about love, depression, life and so on.

Yes, I do anything that art related and do poetry because I like to do it since I got a little hobby room across the hall from my room since my foster dad gave me the paint set for Christmas. Yes, I got an foster dad that's more like a father to me which is I do appreciate him for not being creepy.

What do he do for living you may asked, he a police officer since he been working during the day while I'm at school and my foster mom be at home keeping the house clean, paying the bills and so on. I continue writing the pomes until I put my pomes notebook up, laid down, turned the lights off and go to sleep since I'm getting up at 5 AM to get ready for school.

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