20th Chapter

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" Mother, I will never ever allow Osman to act like this towards you. No one can call you like this. I will never forgive him this." Mehmed said angrily as he was nervously walking around my chambers. There was no friendship between them two, I could see that they were rivals.

" Calm down Mehemd, you won't do anything bad. The worst punishment to him was when his father slapped him in front of everyone." I said to him trying to calm him down, but unsuccessfully.

" Mother, I can't stand Osman. He is always like this. He is always repeating to me how he will get rid of me when he becomes Sultan." Mehmed said and I could see he is really afraid.

I went closer to him and hugged him to calm him down. My heart was broken when I would see my son being so worried and scared.

" Your father is healthy and alive. I would never let Osman do something like this. I would never let him become a Sultan one day." I said to him but what feared Mehmed also feared me.

"Valide, brother Mehmed, you shouldn't worry. I will punish Osman when I become powerful. He will never make my brother or mother sad again." my son Murad said and came closer to us.

I hugged Murad as he was my brave lion and he always wanted to do whatever was needed to protect his family.

" Sultana, Sultan Ahmed is waiting for you in his chambers." Kalika came inside and I was immediatley happy with those news.

" Is it something important?" I asked as I wanted to know why is he calling for me. Of course I would go any way, but I just wanted to know what it is.

" You will like it for sure, Sultana. You will be too happy." Kalika said and she couldn’t hide happiness from her face.

I dressend into my most beautiful dress, which was red, because I knew that was Ahmed's favourite color.

I came inside his chambers and bowed to him. He awaited for me with a smile and I couldn't see he can't move his eyes away from me.

" You wore my favourite color just like you knew what would happen

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" You wore my favourite color just like you knew what would happen." Ahmed said while he had wide smile on his face. I went closer to him and hugged him.

" Like I knew what?" I asked him and raised my eyebrows from curiosity.

" Our marriage." Ahmed said and I stayed shocked. Our marriage? I could never except Sultan Ahmed, Sultan of the whole world would like to marry me, one of his concubines.

"Ahmed... I can't... I can't believe it." I said as I couldn't hide my happiness from him. There was no one happier than me in this moment.

Love of my life and reason of my existance will just become my legal husband.

If someone would only tell to Anna Venier that one day she would become legal wife of Ottoman Sultan, she would think that only happens in fairytale.

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