Chapter 13

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I got home, disposed of my clothes, washed, and went straight to bed.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I yawned sleepily picking it up.

"Good morning, am sorry, did I wake you up?".A voice said

I sat up instantly, it was Kelvin, I didn't even save his digits as I promised.

" No you didn't, it's fine" I quickly replied.

He chuckled, "Alright, I called to know if you are free for lunch today".

I froze at that point, he wants to have lunch with me?. My mind was booming with excitement, at a point, I became nervous.

" Alright," I briefly replied.

"Am glad you are, Let's meet at the Capital Grille by 1 pm" he said.

"Alright, I will be there," I replied and hung up.

I sighed with a smile on my face as I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling.
I looked at my phone realizing it was 9:39 am. I wondered how long I slept.

I quickly got up, brushed my teeth swinging my hips to the sound of the music coming from my living room, I did some house chores, ate breakfast, and relaxed to watch Tv.

An hour later, I went to bathe, coming into my room with my hair soaking wet.

I ransacked my wardrobe looking for the perfect dress. After a lot of consideration, I picked a peach gown which was a bit sexy.

I applied my makeup, just a little, I still look good without makeup anyway.

After dressing, looking at the time, I discovered I just have 20 minutes left.
I quickly ordered an Uber, left my apartment, and drove off to the restaurant.

Getting there, it's a bit fancy and catchy. I walked in and found some guys staring. Ignoring them, I walked further into the restaurant, I saw him sitting as he was busy on his phone. I walked up to him filled with smiles.

He looked up, saw me, and smiled. He got up, drew my seat out for me, and I gently sat down as I thanked him.

"It's fancy in here" I looked around as I scanned the area.
I looked at him and noticed he was in black jeans, with a white shirt, he looked attractive and ravishing handsome.

"Thanks for coming Nancy" his eyes flicked with happiness.

He stared at her not removing his gaze, "Honestly, you look so beautiful" he commented. Gently he touched my hand with a smile on his face. His touch felt like electric waves in me, I melted instantly by it.

A server came, served us our orders, and left.

I couldn't eat comfortably with his eyes piercing on me.

"Nancy" he called out breaking the silence, and honestly, I was glad he did.

"Yes," I looked up at him, his deep blue eyes not letting go.

"How long have you been around here?" He asked taking a sip from his wine.

I smiled, "Just for a few days," I responded.
"But why?" He suddenly asked.

I choked on my food. Immediately, he offered me water which I drank quickly.

"I am so sorry" he apologized giving me a napkin.

I gently wiped my mouth, "It's fine, the food is a bit spicy and I don't eat spicy food" I lied adjusting my cloth.

I felt bad deep inside me. If he knows the reason why I am here..he will hate me for sure.

"I can order a new meal if you want," he said feeling concerned.

"Don't border, I am fine" I smiled.

"But you can't continue eating this" he pointed at the dish, "I will get you a new meal" he insisted calling a waiter.

I stared at him in admiration. The waiter came and I ordered less spicy food.

The food was served in no time and I began to eat.

"So tell me, why are you here?" He asked again looking at me.

"Just for a vacation, I will head back to California after a month" I replied with ease avoiding his gaze as I looked down at my meal.

"That's are here with someone or a friend?" He inquired.

"No, I am just here to enjoy a bit of time alone" I gave him a reassuring smile and he chucked.

We enjoyed the rest of our lunch together, after, he drove me to my apartment.

"Thanks for the ride," I said taking my bag along.

"My pleasure" he conceded.

I was about to leave but he stopped me, " Can you come over to a party my dad will host tomorrow evening?" He suddenly asked not letting go of my hand.

I turned my gaze at him, his blue eyes held words..unspeakable words that I couldn't explain.
"Sure, I will" I managed to say as my body began to heat up with his eyes locking in mine.

"I will send you the address and of course, the invitation card will be delivered to you tomorrow morning, please, I will love it if you come, just for my sake," he softened his eyes which made my heart bang.

I swallowed hard and only nodded. I walked out of his car and into my building.
As I got into the elevator, I looked at the hand he held and a smile flickered on my face.

Then Ruff came to my mind, he is doing all this to revenge for his family's death. I understand because I could do anything for my late sister.

I sighed bringing out my keys, opened my door, and walked in tiredly. Today has been a bit exciting but tempting, I hope this doesn't backfire...I wish.

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