✍Her return

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  The Empress's death came as a shock to many. Very few were truly saddened by her death, the rest rejoiced secretly in their homes.
Jared attended the funeral alongside his wife, Queen Jo-Kwan.

  After the ceremony, everyone left to their respective homes. Jared and his Queen stayed in the guest house, where he let her lament over her mother's death.

  That evening, the regent found Hou-Lin sitting at her mother's grave, still dressed in white which was the colour of their mourning attires.

He went to join her on the bench she was sitting on.   "It is cold outside and it is lonely here. Why won't you come inside, child?"

She stayed quiet, her eyes staring straight ahead. After a few minutes of sniffing and wiping off her tears, she spoke in a tiny voice, without facing him,  "I was there that night"

"What night?". He asked perplexedly.

"The night you poisoned her".

His heart skipped a beat. She had seen him! "I-- Hou-Lin---"

"You do not have to say anything. I understand. My mother was a terrible person. I heard what you said to her. She killed my brothers and sisters, she also killed my father and Kira's mother--".  She stopped as though her next words could choke her if she said them.

"That I am your father".
He helped her complete what she had in mind.

She swallowed.
"Why did you and my mother commit such a sin?"

"She wanted a son but after the death of his other children, your father fell ill and could not make her conceive, so she begged me to-- to get her pregnant--"

"Stop, stop, please..."
Hou-lin broke into tears, causing his heart to shatter.

"I am sorry".
He held her shoulder with his right hand, consoling her the best way he could.

"I always thought Jo-Kwan was unfortunate because she has a mental problem, little did I know that I have always been the unfortunate one. Being the product of a shameful act--"

"Don't say that, child. You are not--"

"Stop lying to me! I know I am. I was never anything she wanted me to be. Neither a son nor her husband's child. I am a nobody"

"Hou-lin, you are my daughter, that makes you an important person. You will rule this empire one day, I assure you. I know I killed your mother and is unforgivable. But if you can forgive me--".

"No, you did not kill her. I did".

"Hou-lin, what did you just say?"

"After you left, she took an antidote for the poison. She would have had you executed for treason, but I strangled her to death".

"That cannot be true".

She looked him dead in the eyes:
"I swear it is the truth. I killed my mother".

"We shall never speak of this again. No one will know, promise me"

"I promise". She replied.

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