✍Grayson Vanderhall

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King Grayson:

    I was born in the small town of Konland to destitute parents. My father did menial jobs for little to no pay and my mother washed people's clothes for a living. We were living in a hand to mouth manner but we were happy regardless.

  The day I turned eight years old, King Desmond, Jared's grandfather visited Konland. Coincidentally, my mother was hired to wash and cook for the family of an official, Sir Frederick, where King Desmond was meant to stay throughout his stay in town.

  King Desmond began lusting after my mother despite knowing that she was a married woman. One day, he came to our hut and offered my father a good amount of gold coins just so he would hand my mother over to him but my father refused. King Desmond was furious but he left without saying any more words.

  That night, strange men attacked our house and killed my father. They set fire to the house, which caused the death of my two-year-old sister. I could not save her and that haunts me till this day. They took my mother and rode off on their horses. I ran after them as fast as my small legs could carry.

   It dawned on me who the culprit was when the men stopped at Sir Frederick's mansion and King Desmond dragged my mother inside with him. The next day, he took her and left for the capital in his vehicle. Since I had no money to pay for a ride there, I was left all alone in Konland.

  I left Konland to Hechfaa, where I cut firewood for people just to save money to go to the capital and take my mother back. Thank God I was finally able to travel. On my way there, the other passengers who were older than I was kept on looking at me confusedly, they must have wondered why a child was travelling all alone. Some men even tried to rob me but I escaped them.
The journey to the capital was a very long one for me especially since I did not know the way. I walked some of the ways there. I was so determined.

   Bless my soul! I made it to the capital after many days. I was so happy that I had fulfilled half my mission, thinking I would challenge the king and take my mother back...how childish of me.
I snuck into the castle by entering one of the carts that delivered all kinds of goods to the royal family. I found my way inside, disguised as a slave boy.

  I did not set my eyes on my mother until the day there was a function in the castle. I was ordered to take food to the main hall. Finally, the chance I had been waiting for. The moment I saw my mother, I froze, she was in King Desmond's arms before the guests and they were both smiling happily. They had gotten married?!

  I knew I needed to see her in secret, maybe it is all just an act. I was a clever boy, this I used to my advantage and found my way into her chamber one early morning after King Desmond had left for some work. She was shocked to see me. I was hoping for a hug since it had been so long but all she did was tell me to leave. She told me that it was her plan with King Desmond to get rid of my father.

"I was so fed up with that hell".
She said without any regret, care or remorse.

I left immediately as she threatened to call the guards. Broken into a million pieces, I crime bitterly. Why did they have to kill my father and sister, it is not right.

I almost died of starvation on the streets of the capital city, people spat on me whenever I begged them for just a piece of bread.

  One night, I crawled into a small, dirty, abandoned alley, and rolled myself up on the cold ground. I could feel death creeping its way into my weak body and, I let it. There was nothing left to do.
Just then, there came an Angel in the form of a man, he carried me in his arms and took me to his house. Since that day, I worked under him in his blacksmith's workshop.

  I watched from a distance how my mother and King Desmond lived happily, she got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy whom they named Prince Dexter Armstrong, the apple of their eyes. They celebrated birthdays, anniversaries and new years together as if they had not committed murder.

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