✍🏻I played with fire and got burned

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Two months later

Kira's point of view

"Mama! Mama!"
Came little Jude's voice from behind me, grabbing my attention. I turned to my little bundle of happiness who was waddling up to meet me, holding his wooden toy in his right hand.

"My baby boy!" I carried him and kissed his forehead.
Since after the war, he had been one of the reasons I look forward to each new day.

Jared had secretly returned to Aakh to find out more about the attack. But before he left, Edrin and I took the bold step of explaining to the people of Verthona why we had to fake his death and how he was the major reason for our victory. Though we did not say the complete truth, we just had to put it in such a way for them to understand the importance of having 'Jared the terror' as our Kingdom's defender. They all cheered for him after that.
I was so happy for Jared, he would not have to live in hiding any longer.

Edrin had been doing better, learning how to be a good King. Did I mention that King Grayson and his cowardly ministers returned after they were sure that the coast was clear? The nobles and royals had the impetus to question Jared for having faked his death. If only the people knew how they fled in times of distress, they would be in trouble.


After putting Jude to sleep, I returned to the chamber I share with Edrin. He was busy with some official work.

He looked up at me and his face lit up. "Where were you, my dear wife?"

"I went to tuck your son in for his nap," I said cheerfully as I took off my scarf. It's cold outside.

He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I knew exactly what he wanted. "My wife is so cold. I know how to make you feel better". He said mischievously.

"How?" I played along.

"I'd kiss you-".
He kissed me on my lips. His lips were warm and I needed that. His tongue sought permission to enter my mouth and I granted it. Our tongues danced graciously around each other as we both got lost in a whole new world.

"Let's get these clothes off, shall we?" He said while caressing me.

"But I'm cold". I whined.

"Don't worry. haven't you heard the expression; 'you have to face it to overcome it?"  He asked with a huge smile on his face.

I gave him a playful look. "Oh really? What wise sage said that?".

"Someone". He replied nonchalantly.  "Now, where were we?"
He kissed me again and I didn't hesitate to lose myself to him.
I don't know how it happened but we were both on our bed, naked, and making the best of our free time.

"Edrin?"  I called him, after our long, lovemaking session.


"Do you think Beatrice is fine where she is?" I asked, enjoying the heat from his body.

"Hmmm? I don't care. Let me sleep, darling".

He slept off.

I wondered how she was. I know we never liked each other but she is still Jude's mother. I cannot forget her just like that.


"Your Highness, please come with me". A servant girl rushed to my chamber two days later. I was busy knitting some sweaters for myself.

"What is the matter, Olga? Why were you running?"

"Please come your Highness, I can't explain-".

I followed her to the backyard.
"Oh my God!"
I ran to the person I saw on the ground.

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