✍️Vena, daughter of Vethruk

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Edrin's face went pale when he heard her.
He bowed his head, hurt was an understatement for what he was feeling. It hurt him that after everything, Jared was still number one in her heart after all the love he had shown her. Yes he went too far when he hit her but he had apologized to her, why does she have to make him pay in such a painful way.
A thought came to his mind, he got up immediately and headed for his father's chamber, leaving her lying there.


Grayson had just finished with his young mistress, Lila when a quick knock was heard on the door of his secret room.

"Your Majesty, Prince Edrin is on his way to see you". His trusted chief guard said in a low voice from the other side of the door.
Grayson quickly got down from the bed and got dressed while Lila was still lying on the bed, asleep. He walked out the door and locked it, then went to sit at the table in his chamber.
Edrin arrived at the door shortly after and requested to see his father, on getting permission, he entered.
Grayson was surprised to see his son looking so sad. "Did something happen to that wife of yours?" He asked.

Edrin said nothing, just stood there with a sad face.
"I want to be King, father. Hand the throne to me before Jared can do anything about it". He demanded all of a sudden.

Grayson's face changed to something unreadable. Did his son think he was going to hand over the throne just like that? Years of hard work.

"Very well". Said Grayson. "But it is not in my place to hand it to you, it is Jared's".

Edrin shot his head up to look at his father in surprise. "But father, you are King. Besides, no one knows who Jared really is, and he can't prove it. Right?".

Grayson got up and walked over to his son, then patted his shoulder in a fatherly way and said; "My son, it is just a matter of time before he figures out a way. You know he is an intelligent man. I am afraid, as you should be be".

"But father, what do we do?". Asked Edrin.

Grayson appeared to be in deep thought for some time before he looked back at his son and said; "It is very simple. You will go beg him for the throne".

"What?!" Questioned Edrin.

"You heard me. He and I may no longer be close but he still considers you his brother, Use that to your advantage and beg him to let you be King. That way he'll forfeit his birthright of his own free will and hand it to you. Then one day, when he least expects it, you shall drive a sharp sword through his heart, like I did his father. He will leave our lives for good and you get to have Kira all to yourself". He smiled at his son.

Edrin swallowed hard. He didn't know if he had the heart to take Jared's life, but his father is right, he will have to swallow his pride and beg Jared for the throne.


"Did you meet with the regent?" Asked Jared to Hector.
Hector dipped his hand into his pocket and handed Jared a parchment. Jared took it and read what is written on it.

Your Majesty, King Jared of Verthona,
I know that by now, you already know that bit about yourself. Sadly, I cannot help you achieve your goal of taking back what is yours because Grayson paid me a visit of recent, threatening to expose me to the new Aakhian empress, Zhin Xhi Lan. She is more merciless than her late husband and I cannot afford to lose my head at this time. Grayson already formed a strong alliance with her as I write this, he has made sure to secure his place on the throne of Verthona. So, I suggest you take action sooner before he takes your life.
I have given your friend Hector some confidential documents that prove that I am but a pawn in Grayson's hand. Our fates are now in your hand, King Jared.

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