✍Runaway daughter

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"Katy, I will not allow you to steal her youth because of your fears. Jordan is-"

"Jordan this, Jordan that, you always have something nice to say about that boy. You and that daughter of yours are starting to get on my nerves!"... "Madame Aimée will be here with Jacques soon, it is about time Kira and Jacques tied the knot".

I hid under the staircase as my parents argued about my life. I didn't think it was going to be this serious. My mother had never acted this way until Jordan came into the picture. Is he a bad man?

"You are too soft on her, Gerald, that is why she acts like a three-year-old. Some of her mates are married with children but she is just here being a burden to us"

"A burden? Katy? How could you..."

I could not take it anymore, so I came out of my hiding place. "Mother?". They both turned toward me, shock was evident on their faces. "Am I a burden to you?"

My father walked over to me.
"Don't mind that my dear, she didn't mean it. Come with me, let's go to the market".
He tried to cheer me up but I had my eyes fixated on my mother the whole time.

She came closer. "You need to be responsible for once. Marriage will help you mature, and childbirth, don't you want to be a mother? I and your father, deserve to carry our grandchildren. Marry Jacques, or forget about me". Then she turned her back on me.

"Okay mother, I won't be a burden anymore".

She faced me with a smile on her face and proceeded to hug me, but I walked away, heading for the front door.

"Where are you going, Kira! Get back here!"


I sped up, knowing they couldn't catch up. I felt ashamed that running away was my only solution to every problem. Maybe I need to grow up as my mother said, but I will not trap myself with someone I had no feelings for. Not when I had felt something more for Jordan, I just couldn't settle for less.

I disguised myself as I passed through the market to avoid getting recognized. I had thought about going to my friend in Kabaek, a neighbouring town. Hopefully, I would clear my head for a few days and figure out what to do next.

The shortcut to Kabaek was rather a lonely one. I wanted to go board a public transportation carriage but my parents might find out, so I swallowed my fears and began my journey to freedom.
The woods were not as scary as people made it seem, certainly not on a bright morning. I prayed that I would make it to Kabaek before nightfall.

"There she is". I heard someone whisper.

"Who's there?".
I looked around but saw no one. I felt a cold breeze rush over my body, something wasn't right.


My heart jumped out of my chest when someone called my name suddenly. "Jordan? What? What are you..."

"Shh, Come with me".
He pulled me towards another part of the woods. The hairs on my skin stood up due to fear. Soon, we reached a cabin and he led me inside and shut the door. "Where were you going?"

"To Kabaek"


"I am running away". I said boldly but regretted it because of the way he looked at me.

"Running away from what?"

"My mother"

"Kira. This is not a fairy tale from one of your books, this is the real world. I will take you back, come with me"

"No, she will force me to marry Jacques".

He was taken aback. "Who is Jacques?"

"Some boy... Please Jordan, maybe she will change her mind if she doesn't see me for some time".

Kira and JaredHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin