✍The unexpected

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Soon after Prince Edrin left the tea shop with his men, the whole place turned chaotic. Some mother carried their children out in fear that he might return. Those who still had the appetite for food continued to place their orders.

Voices could be heard coming from behind me, though I was still frozen and a little shaken by what he said, I know people like him are all-talk-no-action but there was something in his eyes that made me believe that he could hurt me if he wanted. I only feared for my parents' lives and I would do everything in my power to keep them safe.

A gentle tap on my shoulder brought me out of my train of thoughts, I turned back to see who it was, Madame Aimée. I smiled at her, the previous incident was long forgotten.

"Bonjour Madame!" I chimed.
But she had a frown on her face.

"What is the matter, Madame?"

"Why did you do that Belle? That Prince is very dangerous! You just put yourself in danger, mon petite." Her voice was laced with worry.

"Don't worry, madame-"

"Kira!!! Are you okay?"
Bianca suddenly appeared, her expressions also showing how worried she was. She gave me a short hug and just like that, she turned furious,

"What in the world were you thinking?! You have incurred the wrath of the royal family; what did you think, I couldn't stand up to him or that no one else had the guts? No! We kept quiet because we know the danger of getting in their bad books! Why did you have to be the hero Kira? Only God can help you now."
She's such a good friend when she wants to be.
"Don't worry about me Bee, he won't do anything." Trying to assure me more than anyone else.

"Oh there she goes again, not everyone is as nice as you are, Kee! Uh, you know what? I give up"
She stumped out of the shop like an angry mama bear. I was about to run after her when I heard a gentle voice calling me from behind. I turned to find Lila smiling at me, a little confused I asked why.

"I'm proud of you, you stood up for Mr David, that was very noble". I melted.
Finally, someone who understands.

"Thank you, Lila, you don't know what that means to me". I hugged her tightly.

" You're welcome".
She shyly responded. She even hardly looks me in the eyes when she talks to me.

"I'll be going home now". I bade her goodbye and left for my home.

On getting home, I found out that my parents already heard what happened, news did travel fast. They kept me locked in the house for a week, just in case the Prince went back to look for me.
Our neighbours visited to make sure I was okay. The Prince was a well-known trouble maker and he never forgave. Much like his father, King Grayson. A King who had the five robbers who stole cocoa from the royal farm was executed in broad daylight just to prove a point. But, I only stopped his son from hurting someone, It could have been my father or my mother... Should I have stood idly by?.
Even Mr David came to show his appreciation.

After staying locked inside for a week, I went to go see Bianca, I know she's upset with me.

After we talked, I understood how afraid she was for my safety, and I firmly assured her that God will never abandon me.
Even Jacques confessed his feelings to me, maybe he thought I was going to die, funny. But I told him that my heart belonged to another.

Jordan was nowhere to be seen, I often wondered what kind of business trip he went on...
I'd sit at my window evening to evening, hoping to see him coming from the horizon, wearing this signature black coat. But no, I did not see him.

One day I received word that he was finally in town so I went to surprise him at his place. On reaching there, the front door was open, this gave me a crazy idea to 'try' scare him a little. I tiptoed to his bedroom door and quickly opened it. But I saw something I never expected.

Kira and JaredKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat