✍️Kira's rival

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He was beyond shocked!
Then he turned back to Kira with his mouth opening and closing like a fish...
"I I don't...my lady she is just..."  He stuttered.

Kira looked away and raised her hand to stop him from trying to explain further.
"Don't worry, I'll leave you two".

Vena walked up to them, shamelessly showing off her gorgeous body.
"Your highness".  She bowed. 
"Don't worry about me, I shall return to the brothel where he picked me up from".  She said smiling.

Kira and Bianca's eyes widened. "Brothel?". They both said. Even Jared was surprised.

They both looked at him questionably, he looked back at Vena who signaled to him with her eyes that he should agree. He then turned to the two women.
"Y-Yes". He said and looked down in embarrassment.

Kira moved back. "We'll leave you to it then".   She left with Bianca.

Jared stood at the door starring at the retreating women. Vena went closer to him... "Is she the one you love?" She asked him.

He turned to her, clearly angry.
"Put your clothes on and get out Vena". He said with a serious voice then left her in the room, shutting the door behind him.


Some hours earlier,

I woke up to a wonderful surprise...
"Bianca!" I said with a strained voice and she hugged me. It felt so good to see her again after such a long time.

Thank God I am able to move and talk again, I was so scared that it was permanent. Bianca as always was a ray of sunshine, she made me laugh so hard.

But when I asked her about her fiancé from Anthoeron whom she once told me about, her countenance changed to...sadness.

"What happened Bee?" I asked her.

"It's not really something I like talking about Kira". She said with a gloomy face.

" It's okay if you don't want to share it Bee".  I touched her hands lovingly.

She forced a smile and said;
"I will tell you Kira.  We got married over a year ago, but some months back, he was killed by bandits on his way to Aakh. His mother who never liked me from day one, said it was because of my bad luck that her son died. It hurt me so much when she sent me away, I had to return to Verthona".
She started to cry on my shoulder, I held her and rubbed her back as she let the river of pain flow through her eyes.

  After some minutes, she calmed down and smiled again. "I have missed you Kira. The day I heard about your pregnancy, I was so happy for you and started preparing to come see you".
That was when I told her what Lila had done and everything that has happened in the castle, she was so angry at Lila.

"What about Jared?" She asked suddenly.

"He is in the castle, I haven't seen him since I woke up". I said.

"Do you want to see him? Should I ask him to come here?" She asked.

"No no, it's fine".  I said with a wave of my hand, she could see the sadness in my eyes and like always she wanted to lighten up my mood.

"You know what, Kira? We shall go see him".  She said as she stood up and stretched forth her hand for me to hold on to.

"What? No Bianca! Edrin will..."

"Is that all you care about, what your immature husband will think?".  She asked, disappointed. 
"I miss those days when you were as fearless as a tigress, Kira. Now you're worried about people's opinion, you need to take charge of your life and stop letting people dictate for you".

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