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Third Person...

Edrin walked inside his chamber, there she was, with Bianca sitting beside her. They were both eating.

"My darling, can I have a word with you?"

Bianca left the room to give them privacy.

"Yes Edrin, is there a problem?"

He sat down on the bed beside her chair. "There is a doctor who can treat you and make you stronger".

Her face lit up in excitement. "Really?"

"Yes"... He neither pretended to be happy nor did he smile back. The thought of her seeing Jared behind his back made him furious... "He is at Talehan, just two cities away from here. He is quite gifted, I must emphasize".

Her facial expression changed. "Can't we call him here?"

He held her hand lovingly,
"My darling, I have tried, but he refuses to travel. We have to go see him. I do not want to risk your health when you put to bed. I need you and my child to be safe".

"Can...can we not go now?".
It would be a bad time to leave Jared. She thought.

"The sooner the better. Don't worry, Bianca can come with us".

That seemed to put her at ease and she finally agreed.


"No Kira! You are not going anywhere with him. Why did you not refuse?"

"Jared please, you know I have to. My health is deteriorating every day, I can feel it. Please Jared, let me go".

[She had gone to his chamber in the night, telling Edrin she wanted to stay with Bianca. Of course, he(Edrin) knew where she went]

"You don't understand me, I want what's best for you. But I cannot bear to have you out of my sight. I need you, Kira".
He held her hand, brought it to his lips and kissed it.   "Don't go, Kira, I need you. I feel so overwhelmed by everything. I don't even know what to do, I don't know my next line of action. I'm so confused".  He admitted ashamedly.

She gestured with her arms, inviting him for a hug. He unhesitatingly accepted her invitation. She hugged him warmly, which was what he needed badly.
"It won't be for long, I will be back before you know it, I promise".

He held her close to his heart... He had so missed her warmth.
"Kiss me, just this once Kira". He whispered.

She gave in to her internal craving and kissed her first love. Their lips rubbed against each other while their tongues danced gracefully inside their interlocked mouths.

Jared deepened the kiss but Kira wanted to pull away for fear of getting caught. He was not letting her break the kiss, rather, he held her waist with one hand and the back of her head with the other, so that she could not pull back.

"Hmmm..." She murmured in his mouth, protesting against his reckless behaviour.

He eventually broke the kiss for air as they were both out of breath. She took that as her chance to push him away.

She slapped him.
"What is wrong with you Jared?!"

She turned to leave when he held her hand. "Kira, just stay with me tonight. Please, I...".

"I have to go, Jared, let go my hand".
She walked out of his chamber, leaving him in his miserable state. His body was reacting to the fire she started in him. Deciding to stay up all night, he forced himself to continue working, to get her off his mind.

Kira and JaredWhere stories live. Discover now