"Hey." Debbie smiled, "Good morning. You hungry?"

"Yes." Lou quickly replied, standing beside her, studying what she was doing, "What are you cooking?" The blonde asked as she sat on the stool, leaning her hands on the counter.

Debbie smirked, "Guess."

"Well, I could see the ingredients so obviously you are cooking my favorites, and pancakes for Danny." She proudly stated, giving off a smile for Debbie to see.

The brunette smiled, not taking her eyes off from the garlic fried rice that she was cooking, "You knew it. Why were you even asking?" She laughed, "Idiot."

"I just wanna hear you talk." Lou spoke, "I wanna hear your voice."

Debbie's heart raced to the fastest pace that it could get. Her cheeks slowly turned into cranberry-red and it was so obvious that Lou noticed it because now, Lou stared at her, with her chin perched up on her palm.

"I wrapped you in my blanket last night. You were sleeping like a baby." Lou started.

Debbie turned to her, "Oh. That's why your favorite blanket was wrapped around me when I woke up. And  why is that?"

"So you could smell me."

"Oh my goodness. Are you flirting with me, Lou?"

"Why? Is it forbidden? Is it a crime, ex-wife?"

And with that remark, Debbie laughed. Lou's flirty remarks would always send her giggling like a love-stained teenager. Lou laughed along with her. It wasn't that long when Lou stood up behind and like a prelude in a song, as soft as the clouds in the sky, Lou hugged her from behind. Debbie's lips parted subtly and her heart screamed . Lou was hugging her and she didn't know what to do.

"I miss you." Lou whispered, tightening her arms thay were snaked around Debbie's waist.

Her voice was soft and Debbie even tasted the hidden longing in the way she whispered into her ears. Lou's hug was so tender that she wanted to melt into her arms. Debbie wanted to hammer Lou with a kiss and ask her what's running in her mind: do you love me still? She wanted to ask her that, but somehow, a big part of her held her back. If only she could, she would open Lou's heart just so she would know who owns the biggest space inside - is it her, or is it Julia? But instead, Debbie closed her eyes as she held Lou's arms. She wanted the time to freeze for her to have Lou, because in all honesty, she missed her too.

"Deb, I really miss you." Lou uttered once more.

And it was enough for Debbie to turn around. She met Lou's cerulean eyes. The blonde's eyes plastered an enormous piece of enigma. Debbie couldn't fathom what's inside her soulful orbs and in that very minute, she wished that she could just hand Lou a piece of paper and ask her to write the things that her heart was scared to say. Lou gave a sigh when Debbie stared into her eyes. The untouched parts of herself was longing to be touched by Debbie and she was waiting for it, been waiting for years now.

"I miss you too."

It was low, that it could almost pass like a whisper. And with that, Debbie threw herself to Lou. She hugged her, and when she did, her eyes closed. Lou hugged her back. With their bodies pressed together like magnets, they savored each other's skin. It felt like the world was ending, with all the building collapsing and people kissing death, but they didn't care, because finally they were home; they were in each other's embrace and it was them, once again.

Lou broke the hug but her hands were still holding Debbie's waist, "I miss you, Deborah."

Debbie laughed, "It's still six in the morning and that's the third I miss you, Louise." She chuckled as she put her arms on her neck.

"Be honest,.." Lou seriously asked, "...you miss me, don't you?"

"Goodness. I just said I miss you too like a minute ago." Debbie rolled her eyes jokingly.

Lou smiled, "I miss you terribly, you felon."

"Shout it to the moon, law-abiding citizen."

"If I could, I will. Want me to shout n--"

"I've been here for two minutes now, when will you two kiss?"

Debbie and Lou jumped off away from each other when Danny's voice resonated. And there, in her little bathrobe with her hair going into different directions, with her hands on her hips, Danny gazed at them, obviously waiting for them to kiss.

"Hi, baby. Good morning." Lou laughed and bent down to carry Danny, "How's your sleep, hmmm?" She added when she carried Danny.

"Just good." Danny shrugged looking to Lou and then to Debbie, "Now, you two kiss."

Debbie wore her apron off before she inched closer to Lou and Danny, "Hey you little missy..," She kissed her nose and smiled, "Divorced couple don't kiss."

"But you miss each other!"

"That's true, but that doesn't mean that we can kiss."

"But you did before, why can't you now?"

Lou smiled awkwardly at Debbie before she looked at the upset Danny, "Baby, because we are divorced. That means mommy and I are just friends."

"But I was watching you two and friends don't stare at each other that way."

"Oh my God." Debbie laughed before she got Danny from Lou's arms, "Are you really seven years old?"

"I am, mom. Now, kiss."

Lou scoffed, "Why don't we eat our --"

"I won't eat unless you two will kiss."

Debbie sighed. She then placed Danny on the counter top. And when she did, Danny crossed her arms on her chest as she angrily looked at her moms standing in front of her.

"Baby, listen to me. Mommy Lou and I --"

"Don't baby me, mommy. Kiss!" Danny cut her off.

Debbie exasperatedly sigh, "Baby, mommy Lou has Julia alrea--"

Debbie wasn't able to finish her sentence when Lou grabbed her waist, turned her around and in a flash of a beating heart, kissed her full on the lips. Lou's hold on the small of her back was so strong, but the kiss that was placed on her lips was so soft and passionate.

"Happy now, Danny?" Lou smirked as she turned to Danny, with her hands still on Debbie's waist.

Danny grinned, "Now, we are a family."


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