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Thank you for being with Seraphine & me through this journey! I actually started writing this in 2020 and my old readers would know how much I struggled to keep up with it. I always ended up publishing it and unpublishing it because I honestly thought there would never come a day where I would hit that complete button in this story. 

After 2 months of continuously working on it again, I am proud to say that CAB is finally completed, and I'm marking this as my best work so far. This story taught me a lot and it's very close to my heart. I'm so glad I got to share Seraphine's story with you! Cheers to more wonderful stories <33

See you on the final installment, Parsianna's Downfall!



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Chasing Axel Blaze (Mi Amore #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon