☆FORTY-ONE☆ house of revalation/Heavy

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The very next few hours, Rhianna stayed downstairs after she'd reorganised her half of the room. A few things were broken like her glass snow globe which she got when in Iceland one winter along with her secret notebook that had gotten teared apart, if Victor thought she had some writing about his society then boy was he wrong. Right now she scrolled through her social media account looking at different hairstyles and outfits she could possibly wear when they've finished for their summer holidays.

Opposite her sat Amber who was flipping through a magazine, she hadn't even noticed her ex roommate walking into the living room until. "Amber Millington, you shall go to the ball!"
Mara happily informed her but she didn't bother to look up from the page she read "Sorry?" she quizzed.

"Mr sweet agreed to let us have an end of term prom!" Mara explained which made the female blonde extremely excited about this information and she let out a little squeal "As long as all of us do the organising" she carried on speaking when going to sit next to Mick on the other couch.

"Oh.. I'm not really sure that's my thing babes"
Mick says in a sort of serious tone but then ended up laughing afterwards.

"It's a brilliant idea. Mainly because it was my idea in the first place"
Amber informed them all whilst Fabian tried getting her attention by holding out cutlery since it was their turn to set up the table. "I think we should only invite boys with gorgeous hair.. or boys who can dance.. or boys who have both. Or maybe .. all of them"

"What about girls who can dance and have beautiful hair?"
Rhianna quizzed as her face lit up, she can't believe they're going to be having a prom! she's dreamt about this.  she added whilst waving her hand around.

"Yeah, I suppose. They can't be anyone from year eleven though, like your friend Alina "
Amber agreed with her comment while she continued thinking about ideas for their prom. Fabian carried on trying to get her attention and finally she did. "It's Eliana; doubt she'd be into it anyway"Rhianna corrected her. "oh- whoops my bad"

"So, Fabian. who are you going to invite to the prom then?"
Mick says with a smile knowing very well his friend had a crush on their American housemate, pretty much everyone did. He didn't get much of an answer though because Fabian cleared his throat then walked to another side

"A certain play writing scholar ship student who has a thing for antiques and apple pie?"
Amber continued teasing him and it made the other housemates their all chuckle

"Of course he'll be taking Nina!" Spoke Mara as she got up from the couch she had recently sat on. "If he ever gets round to asking her" she says while going over towards their dining table with Mick following behind her

"Look- Nina. I don't know why you keep going on about Nina, I mean- me and her are totally not an item"
Fabian denied since he didn't quit get why everyone assumes he has a crush on her - although it is pretty obvious at this point.

"Oh come on! you know that you two are absolutely crazy about each other.. well.. not so secretly" Mick told him and got some agreements

"Yeah, so when are you going to put Nina and the rest of us out of our misery?!"
Inquired Mara since it seemed like all they'll be talking about this evening is a topic on crushes, mind you it was very interesting actually.

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