♡︎THREE ♡︎ - House of the blackbird

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// ‼️originally Published in January, edited in July before August. ‼️//

THE NEXT MORNING RHIANNA SAT NEXT WITH HER FAVOURITE PEOPLE DURING BREAKFAST, No need for names if you could easily guess who they were right?

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THE NEXT MORNING RHIANNA SAT NEXT WITH HER FAVOURITE PEOPLE DURING BREAKFAST, No need for names if you could easily guess who they were right?. after finally peacefully sleeping last night she felt more awake and refreshed than she has been before. She had her hair in double sided plats and wore one of her chocker's she'd gotten as a present from her birthday couple months ago. " I hate Mornings" she mumbled whilst pouring milk into her chocolate cereal. "but! sitting here with you three makes it better sooo" she cheerfully said whilst earning smiles from the rebeles. she soon went into her own world, having her breakfast not aware that their previous conversation would change into something else.

"If only I could've seen her face when she woke up just covered in feathers"
Gushed Jerome in a beaming voice tone yet knew he'd probably get scolded or ignored later on but his whole 'bad boy' attitude isn't really who is and some people might not know that but he'll continue with his reputation like he has done for the past few years living in boarding school from a young age.

"Was it like this?"
Alfie said whilst pulling a face imagining what Nina's expression could've possibly looked like last night which made him, Jerome and Patricia laugh at the same time when he relaxed it however their laughters died down soon as another top got thought over.

"Hey guys, I've got another idea that will really give her nightmares"
Expressed Patricia unaware they weren't the only people downstairs. "Oh yeah? what's that?-  questioned Clarke but got hushed when a certain American walked in during mid talk" Sleep well Nina?" she asked in a mocking voice tone as she made bird noises followed by two other pranksters sitting beside her.

No longer eating her cereal, Rhianna slowly threw her head backwards onto the chair she sat on, she had no clue those three were making fun of Nina and so she decided to grab her stuff then move seats now sitting in front of Fabian facing her American roommate. "do my promises not mean anything to her these days?" she uttered underneath her breath through her sigh."They're being idiots- now that's saying for Clarke and lewis.. don't get me started on Williamson" she sighed whilst resting her hands on her forehead.

"Ignore them"
Fabian said as he lowered his voice , mainly towards their friend. "I am" responded Martin feeling thankful she had two people sticking up for her throughout this awful journey of a new school year. "So.. what was this dream anyway?" he gently asked whilst going into their own mini group discussion.

"It was awful, I know they're making jokes.. but it felt so real" whispered Nina making sure the others weren't listening to them. "it felt..evil"she added but neither could get any more answers from her because someone else had walked into the dinning/ living area couple minutes later making them left their heads in interest.

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