☾THIRTY-THREE ☽- house of masks

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THEY STILL HAD A COUPLE HOURS OF CHILL TIME LEFT, it was just her and Nina hanging out on their beds ; one held a book in their hands and the other had fallen asleep

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THEY STILL HAD A COUPLE HOURS OF CHILL TIME LEFT, it was just her and Nina hanging out on their beds ; one held a book in their hands and the other had fallen asleep. Midway through through Rhianna's nap the door slowly swung open which caused her to sit up from her sleep now seeing the two members' of their secret club walking inside. "Nice to see you guys! " she spoke in a tired voice tone as she stretched her arms before sitting on top of her blanket. "I thought school finished at three? it's like three thirty or something I don't know" she said with a frown on her face just as the door closed.

"School finished hours ago, I tried calling you but believe it or not you were out like a light"
Fabian told her but wasn't too mean about it considering he knows that late afternoon the girl liked to nap, sometimes it lasted until four o'clock or before dinner. "Hey! you're back"
he eventually noticed Nina who was also sitting on her bed near the left side.

"Did you find what you were looking for?"
Patricia questioned her old roommate as they were now standing inside the room, the girl had missed entire day just to get some more information from Sarah and they were only seeing her at this hour. "Not exactly, but.. I did find this in the attic"  Miss Martin replied before getting up to show them what she had recently found, it was a newspaper with a picture that showed Victor, Rufus and Sarah all together in the 190s.

Fabian breathed out when looking at the paper clipping then passed it onto Patricia so she could take a look at it too. If their legal guardian while they're living their during school terms looked the exact same back then along with an extremely crazy man and some old lady who lives down the street.. there could only be one explanation..

"This photo was actually taken in 1960? "
Patricia asked with shock in her voice as she then sat next to Nina while holding the newspaper. "Rhi, come take a look- it's well weird" she called over their brunette friend who took her time getting up before joining the girls and leaning over her shoulder slightly.

"Holy cra-"
Rhianna gasped but stopped herself from actually swearing. "How come Rufus and Victor look exactly the same this current year but our dear old lady Sarah Frobisher Smythe, who's living in that care centre a street from here has aged normally? I can't even do maths but something doesn't add up-" she added yet began laughing at her own somewhat joke "get it? 'doesn't add up'? oh that is good"

"Your jokes are starting to sound like Amber's"
Patricia blurted out after she had lightly snorted "That was never your strong point by the way. maybe we should take it away get it?" she jokingly mocked the shorter girl who simply mocked her back and the duo soon had a hushed heartfelt bickering although during this moment neither realised how close their faces were until someone else spoke, dragging their attention onto something else .

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