☆THIRTY-EIGHT☆ - house of lights

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DO YOU THINK MY EYES look like an albino rabbit's?❝
Amber questioned whilst she was doing her make up the very next morning, most people were downstairs for breakfast before they left for school and here she were holding her mirror in one hand. "These lates nights are really playing havoc with my beauty regime" she said directly towards Nina who sat opposite side of her.

"Has anyone seen Alfie this morning?"
Nina asked those few members who were there having breakfast. "I hope he's okay" she added with a short sigh looking defeated as ever.

Sudden footsteps were heard from outside the kitchen area, Fabian noticed this when he was just about to have his own meal. "Here he is!" he exclaimed with a pleased smile.

"Alfie, how are you?"
Amber kindly questioned him soon as he entered the place, they all seemed rather happy about seeing him return.

"How did you do last night?" Patricia also asked afterward but didn't give the boy a chance to answer Millington's question first. She then glanced over to the empty chair where a certain someone would usually sit during these morning meetings; she had a million questions in her mind but wasn't sure how she should sort them out.

"Did you find anything?"
Fabian joined in the chain of asking questions. They all hoped their 'newest' member found what they were looking for, hopefully did a better research then they've been doing every week.

Alfie took a look around the kitchen/Living area wondering if it was just them before he could show them what he had found last night. He reached into his pocket of his blazer then took out a clear bottle which was filled of the exact orange liquid they'd seen ages ago.

"Oh, well done!"
Patrica happily congratulated him once seeing the bottle of elixir in his hands- yup! he did a much better job than they've been doing lately. She never thought anyone else could find it but he easily did.

"Yeah, good job Alfie!"
Nina said as she congratulated him as well even though she had many doubts about him going down there last night, she was slightly shocked at this result.

"What about.. the other thing?"
Fabian paused mid sentence, he wasn't sure what either of them were looking for but figured it was worth a shot of finding an answer.

"The demisphere?"
Responded Alfie in confusion since he knew what the raven haired boy meant by that question." I looked everywhere but I couldn't find anything that looked right" Fabian told them just as he went to a chair to sit on.

"Maybe it's not down in the cellar after all"
Patricia suggested with a look that implied she couldn't be so sure about everything

"Unleash the power, and light your way to the demisphere hidden below"
Nina's voice could be heard as she went over the riddle she found inside a telescope few nights back. She figured one of them would know what their new clue meant but it seemed no one had any idea.

Finally walking into the dinning area, Rhianna had worn her headphones that morning which only ever happens if she's in a gloomy mood or if life gets too tough that's when she'll listen to her favourite songs trying to escape everything happening in this universe. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and she brought back her hoodie she used to wear at the start of term- which she'll change out of when on school grounds. She didn't bother taking part of the conversation her friends were having but instead sat in her seat then placed her arms onto the table before resting her head into them.

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now