꧁FIVETEEN ꧂- House of flames

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WAKING UP EARLY FIRST THING NEXT MORING WASN'T WHAT she had expected to do but with Amber trying almost everything to stop her from sleeping anymore she was fully awake after snapping slightly

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she had expected to do but with Amber trying almost everything to stop her from sleeping anymore she was fully awake after snapping slightly. The trio trailed behind each other as they went into the bathroom getting ready for school all talking as they did so , despite her still feeling a bit left out from what happened she figured she can't be mad at them for too long. "You've got to be kidding me"
Rhianna sighed when realising she'd forgotten her hair dryer plus spare shampoo as she searched through her toiletry bag." I'll be right back, forgot something in our room" she told her roommates after placing it inside a draw though she didn't imagine getting company if she was only gone for one second.

"I'll come with. I've forgotten an important thing too" Amber announced and they eventually left the bathroom together, but when they were in their bedroom both girls were surprised to see Patricia lurking around obviously looking for something because why would she be searching through their roommates clothing?. Each of them stood behind her hoping she'd notice they've retuned .. which their fellow goth resident got extremely flabbergasted.

"What are you two doing here? "Patricia panicked  soon as she saw them after putting the locket away inside her pocket. "It's our room! I came to get my tooth paste and Anns needed her shampoo.. why are you snooping through Nina's stuff?" Amber interrogated her wondering what's so important that it's secretive "She was gonna lend me a top, I just came to find it" she lied then moved past them but they stopped her just in time.

If anyone can tell when she's lying ; it's Rhianna after all they've been best friends for ages. "yeah right- don't lie. You hardly wear colourful stuff , you're a complete opposite of pi.. never mind. I hate it when you're not telling the truth" she said with her arms crossed not sure when this whole dynamic will change.

Patricia tried leaving again but the two rushed in front of her. "Are we supposed to believe that you guys are such good friends you swap outfits?" Quizzed Amber which is good considering this conversation wasn't making any sense whatsoever , there was silence for a while before she spoke up again. "what's in your hand?" when she asked the thing fell onto their carpet "Nothing"

"Unbelievable." Scoffed Rhianna when seeing a recognisable necklace that belonged to her American roommate. " I thought you'd change into someone who everyone can trust- then you go ahead and pull things like this" she continued speaking although her voice tone was far from okay in fact she was mad "do my promises not mean anything lately?"

"Look guys we've been friends for a lot of years " Patricia began to speak after she thought about how she'll explain why she'd taken it.
"Off and on" both girls responded in unison which was very true, sometimes life does that to your friendships it'll create lots of drama or other times it'll be very nice without any damage." I need you two to keep this a secret. please? I wasn't stealing the locket, there's a really good reason why I need too borrow it" she added as she tried explaining herself.

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now