Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


She screamed from the top of her lungs. The man with a thousand eyes placed his hands up in surrender and waved them in front of her as if he was telling her to calm down. Something like, 'No, don't scream. Don't be scared of me. I just have a thousand eyes all over my body. See, no big deal!'

He didn't talk at all. He just waved his hands in front of her. At the same time, she didn't stop screaming. All the monsters she had faced were not as horrifying as the one that stood before her right now. The eyes all blinked at the same time. That didn't really help with the situation.

The scream was heard all over camp. Once again, the campers stopped what they were doing and listened to the scream. Even Nico almost jumped up in surprise.

Aria scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. "What the Styx was that?"

"I think it's a scream," Jason answered.

"No duh."

"It came from the other side of the infirmary," Annabeth pointed out.

Aria really wanted to ask why they kept pointing out the obvious. But she decided not to. Suddenly, they heard a gigantic CLANG! followed by the sound of someone falling on the floor.

The five demigods looked at each other as if they all wanted to ask the same question. "Danger?" Annabeth said.

"Yep. Probably," Piper replied.

They all ran to the other side of the infirmary where the scream came from. Aria opened the door to the next room and her eyes widened as she saw Argus passed out on the floor. The girl that had been unconscious was fully awake now, panting. She held a frying pan with her. What in Hades was a frying pan doing in the infirmary?

She looked like she was about to swing it again, this time to the person who was standing nearest to Argus, which was none other than the Supreme Commander of the Argo II. Leo closed his eyes, waiting for the impact. ( A/N: Moving would've been a better option but this is Leo we're talking about ) Before the frying pan could make contact with Leo's face, Piper yelled, "Wait!"

The girl stopped right in her tracks. Leo opened his eyes. He slowly walked behind Jason and used him as his shield.

"Argus . . ." Aria said as she walked towards his unconscious figure. She touched his head and looked for the place where the girl hit him. It was somewhere near his forehead. Ouch. "He's gonna have a bump . . . and a few black eyes. But otherwise, he's fine."

"Fine? Doesn't look like it," Leo said.

"Hey, I'm the doctor here."

"What's going on here?" Chiron's voice said from behind them. Walking next to him was Percy Jackson.

"I heard the scream from the arena," he said.

Everyone looked at the girl who was still holding the frying pan. Chiron raised his eyebrow. What is a frying pan doing in the infirmary?

Leo whistled and tugged at his collar. "I have absolutely no idea how that got here."

"Please put it down," Piper said.

The girl was hit by her charm speak. It was slightly overworked though. She suddenly had the urge to put everything down. She set the frying pan on the floor.

"You should take a seat," Piper said.

For a moment there, she was tempted to take a chair and walk out of the door. Instead, her "smarter side" told her to just sit back on her bed. She looked at them expectantly. Looking at the people surrounding her, she immediately judged them according to their faces.

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