Chapter One

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Chapter One

It was a surprise to Camp Half-Blood. Especially to Nico di Angelo. She was standing, ready to attack just near Thalia's tree. Her hair was dark like the shadows of the Underworld. She had pale skin, almost as pale as Nico's. Jason Grace had first spotted her as he flew across Camp Half-Blood.

It was a normal day at camp as the demigod children did just as their hearts favored. Ares campers fought with each other, Aphrodite campers trying to outshine one another, and Hypnos campers sleeping.

Nico di Angelo had been sitting under a shady tree trying to perfect his Helm of Darkness. No matter how hard he tried, he just seemed to slip as if something was disturbing him. He scowled as his final attempt failed. "I'm not a god anyway," he said to himself.

As he looked down at his ring, he heard someone calling his name. He looked up to see none other than Leo Valdez himself wearing goggles and covered in motor oil. As he ran towards the tree, Nico saw a box with wheels following Leo as he ran.

Leo gasped for air once he reached the tree. There was a gigantic grin on his face as he lifted his goggles to uncover his eyes. Nico sighed, knowing very well what he wanted. He wanted him to see his little inventions again. Leo had been asking Nico to judge his experiments because frankly, he was the most straightforward person he knew. He wanted his inventions to be judged to the harshest point.

"What is it this time?" Nico asked.

Leo placed his hands on his waist, looking proud of himself. "I'm glad you asked. This is gonna be a step up from most of my inventions. I call him . . . Wall-E," Leo said as he gestured towards the box.

Nico took a good long look at it to make sure that he was seeing it right. The box just stayed a box. "It's a box . . . On wheels . . . You're getting pretty rusty, my friend."

Leo rolled his eyes and said, "Just wait for it."

It took awhile but something moved out of the top and sides of the box. Nico looked closer. As he did, he realized that it wasn't just a box with wheels. It was a tiny little robot. It looked up at Nico and Leo. "Wall-E," it said.

The robot looked vaguely familiar to Nico as if he had seen it before. Then it hit him. "Wall-E? As in that robot from disney? This is your new invention? Honestly, I've seen you do better."

"It's different!" Leo exaggerated. "It doesn't just deal with trash. I modified it to do some awesome stuff. Check it out."

Wall-E began to shake. After a few seconds, he began to glow. Nico raised an eyebrow. "Is he supposed to do that?"

Leo still had a huge smile. "Yeeeaaaahhhhh, nope, not at all." He sighed as his smile disappeared. "Get ready for an explo-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Wall-E blew up. Nico covered his face with his jacket. Leo didn't even have time to cover himself so he ended up with a face looking like charcoal. He coughed and wiped his face with his sleeve.

Nico placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. There was the slightest sign of a smile on his face. "Like I said, you're getting rusty, Valdez."

Suddenly, something shook the barrier. Everyone looked to where the sound came from- Thalia's tree. Then, something came crash landing towards the lake. The naiads scattered away to avoid the crash landing of the unidentified falling object. As it landed in the water, Percy Jackson who had been rowing a canoe fell overboard.

He later came back up holding the hand of the person that fell. It was Jason Grace, gasping for air.

Everyone was pretty much gathered around the lake already to see what just happened. Percy set Jason down and said, "What just happened, dude?"

Chiron galloped toward the commotion. Everyone gave him way. He looked down at Jason and said, "Grace, what did you see?"

Jason, still panting for air, said, "I found someone near Thalia's tree. She's strong. She . . . she did something that made me lose my balance."

"Looks like she did more than just make you lose your balance. She actually catapulted you, man," Leo commented.

Chiron ignored his comment and said, "Is she a demigod?"

"I think so," Jason replied.

Chiron put on a thinking face. A few seconds later, he said, "Take me to her."

Of course, everyone at camp wanted to see who it was. It wasn't everyday that Jason Grace gets shot out of the sky. He's the son of the freakin' god of lightning.


Everyone watched as Mrs. O' Leary growled at them, trying to protect the girl and surrounding her, covering her face. For some reason, their trusted hellhound had just found interest in the new person. 

Nico stepped forward and Mrs. O' Leary calmed down just a bit. Chiron said, "Who are you?"

The girl stayed silent as she held a dagger close to her, ready to attack anyone who came near.

"Someone seems uptight," Grover said. ( I really miss this dude )

"S-stay away," the girl said.

"It's okay," Chiron said. "We won't hurt you. Are you a demigod?"

The girl hesitated. "Yes . . . I think."

Mrs. O' Leary must've sensed the girl's discomfort because she exposed her big teeth as she growled. What was so important about that girl? How did she win the favor of their hellhound?

Nico took one more step forward and stared Mrs. O' Leary down. He said in the most demanding voice he could make, "Sit." Mrs. O' Leary almost looked guilty for a second. When Nico saw that it didn't work, he tried again. Only this time, with more anger. "I said sit."

Mrs. O Leary slowly backed away, feeling guilty for going against her master. As she did everyone was able to see the girl behind her. Pale, long black hair, dark brown eyes that almost looked black and freckles on her face. She clenched her dagger, her hand slightly shaking in fear.

She was a beauty. But not as beautiful as the daughters of Aphrodite.

Everyone watched her, not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, the son of Hades stood there, shocked of what he was seeing.

He said nothing but one word.



A/N: first chappie. I don't know if it's good or not so please tell me your thoughts in the comments section. I hope you liked it . . . even if it was pretty short.

I love ya all


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