Chapter Two

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A/N: I just realized that I wasn't able to put a disclaimer on my previous chapter so . . .

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters from the Percy Jackson series and The Heroes of Olypus series. All of that belongs to the wonderful and amazingly talented Rick Riordan. Only the new characters are mine.

Tell me if you like the story or not. I'll be fine with even the harshest criticisms. Be cool and stay awesome!


Chapter Two


It was hard trying to get the girl to calm down and go to the Big House. She was so defensive that even one step forward made her almost decapitate Clovis, who was fortunately standing right next to Chiron at that time.

In another turn of events, it was Clovis who helped everyone bring her to the Big House. It was funny actually. Even the Aphrodite campers couldn't persuade her with charmspeak. All it took was for Clovis to make a very big yawn -unintentionally, might I add- to make her pass out and fall into a deep sleep.

Chiron didn't like the situation but it was kinda like the only way to bring her inside without having a decapitated camper. He looked at the crowd and said, "Can I ask for a few campers to carry her towards the Big House?"

It was Butch Walker who volunteered. He carried her bridal style towards the Big House.

Nico stayed in an isolated part of camp, trying to get his mind off of everything. Percy and Grover noticed his discomfort. They knew very well what Nico was uncomfortable about. But at the same time, they knew very well that in these moments, Nico shouldn't be bothered. He needed his time alone.

Meanwhile, Jason was being tended by a few Apollo campers. His fall wasn't as perfect as it sounded. Leo, Piper, and Annabeth were there with him.

Aria, a daughter of Apollo who just arrived at camp Half-Blood 3 months ago, took a look at him. She touched his arms and said, "Nothing serious. You have no broken bones. But you might wanna stop on the chocolates. Your arms are getting slightly fatter."

Jason furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Excuse me?"

Aria raised her hands up in surrender. "Hey, I did say slightly. Slightly makes all the difference."

Piper sat next to Jason and said, "You sure you're feelin' okay?"

Jason nodded. "I've felt better but I think I'm fine."

"Don't be so sure. I still have to check your head," Aria said. She placed her hand on top of his head and closed her eyes. "So far, so good," she muttered. Suddenly she knitted her eyebrows together as if something was wrong.

She slightly gasped as she opened her eyes. She put her hand down and looked at Jason with concern. She did this for a full three minutes.

Jason, slightly weirded out, asked, "What's going on?"

Aria took a deep breath and said, "Jason, what exactly did you feel when you were shot out of the sky?"

"Like I was being shot out of the sky."

Aria sighed and rolled her eyes. "No duh. I meant what did your mind feel? Were you dizzy or something?"

Jason pondered on it for a moment. "Kinda. Why?"

Aria had that look on her face. It was the look that doctors gave patients when they broke the bad news like 'You have cancer' or 'There's nothing I can do about it.' This slightly worried Jason and everyone else.

"Aria, is everything okay?" Annabeth asked.

"Your mind . . . it's been tampered with. When you were shot out of the sky . . . somehow, you were shooting yourself out of the sky by someone else's control."

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up!" Leo said as he made a time out gesture with his hands. "You're saying that Jason was mind controlled? That's awesome!"

Annabeth elbowed Leo on the stomach.

"I was mind controlled?" Jason repeated. "By that girl? I've never heard of demigod powers like that."

"Maybe it was charmspeak," Piper added.

"No, it was definitely not charmspeak," Aria said. "If it was charmspeak, then Jason's mind wouldn't have went to a state of insanity."

"That just sounds impossible," Annabeth said.

"Extraordinary, yes. But not impossible. This is like a new discovery. I can't wait to tell the others about this," Aria said. "Jason, I suggest that you try to rest your mind for a few days. You're lucky to be alive."

"Wait, what?" Jason said. "What do you mean I'm lucky?"

"The way she tampered with your mind to make you slightly insane. It was actually your mind hurting so much that you wanted to kill yourself while you were on the sky. The first thing that came into your mind was probably falling because you were high up in the sky."

Jason gulped. Everything he just heard . . . came out from the mouth of a thirteen year old.

She remembered monsters chasing her as she ran away. All of them calling her names like half-blood or demigod. She never knew what those meant. It was a nightmare. She was scared beyond her mind that she felt as if she wanted to go into a state of madness.

She fluttered her eyes open and was greeted by different surroundings. She was in a room, laying down on a couch. As she sat up, she saw someone in the corner. He was looking at her with his thousand eyes.


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