''Well...part of it, as I said'' She pretended to think hard.

''I am going to kill you'' I spoke slowly as she smirked back at me.

''Oh shut up, you're gonna be the happiest woman alive, thanks to me. Just you wait and see, my little Diner Girl!'' She sighed, examining her nails as if the conversation was irrelevant.

''I am going to be the happiest when I get to kill you'' I muttered under my breath.


I stood backstage, practically shaking with anxiety.

''Mm, I'm getting a boner just looking at him...'' Viv stared out into the crowd, eyes squinted at her new prey.

''You don't have a dick'' I scoffed, too nervous about my speech to check out the guy she was staring at the entire time.

''You sure? Wanna check?'' She winked, making me laugh. For a split second my nerves calmed from her bubbly personality. But the single thought of Hunter being in the crowd, immediately made me jittery again.

''Calm down, you'll do great'' Viv sighed, placing a hand on my shoulder. ''Here,'' She placed her lucky crystal in my hand. I stared at the rock, mesmerized by its beauty. ''With this baby, you can move mountains'' She winked.

''Thanks, Viv'' I hugged her.

She patted my back, ''Stop worrying about it. The deal is practically in the bag, all you have to do is smile and be your hot self''.

''How can I be the hot self I've been these past two years when he is in the audience?!'' I exclaimed, making her laugh.

''Well, he's not the only one in the audience'' She shrugged.

Her words seemed innocent and simple, yet I felt something more. It was a hint. She was hinting at the other part of her surprise. Fucking, Viv. ''What?'' I seethed, making her purse her lips slyly. ''Viv, you better tell me what you meant by that''

''I have no idea what you're on about!'' She lied, chuckling.

''I'm fucked, aren't I?'' I groaned.

''Oh, babe...you're so fucked!'' She grinned.

''Fantastic! I love being fucked!'' I smiled with fake enthusiasm.

She laughed, ''That's the spirit! Now, you're up next. So, quick, go over everything with me one more time. I'll give you some pointers''.

I went over my speech one more time and she grinned proudly as I finished. ''Trust me, they'll love you. If I love you, they surely will. Because God knows I hate everyone!'' She sighed, making me chuckle because it was true.

The sound of my name sounded through the booming speakers and the audience applauded my awaited entrance. Taking a deep breath as Viv clapped for me, I headed out onto the stage with her. She held my hand, waving to her friends and business partners. I smiled at the overwhelming amount of people in the audience, forcing myself to rid my mind of doubt.

Viv let go of my hand and took one of the seats next to the other mentors. I was the fourth one to get on stage, which was better than being first. Letting go of all fear, I greeted the audience, glad to see their kind smiles, ''Good evening, Ladies and Gents! My name is Scarlett Harper and I am here to introduce you to my idea. Shall we?''.

The audience clapped with enthusiasm and I grinned as the technical workers brought the video I had prepared onto the huge screen. Graciously walking to the side with the mic in my hand, I commented on things the audience saw in my video. I tried my best to sound as easy-going yet professional as possible. My goal was to show who I am and what I stand for, but also remain the dedicated ambassador I am.

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